Ложбан/Статья в en-wiki
Ложбан | |
Самоназвание: |
la .lojban. |
Создатель: |
Группа Логического Языка на основе языка логлан |
Классификация | |
Категория: | |
Письменность: | |
Языковые коды | |
ГОСТ 7.75–97: |
— |
ISO 639-1: |
нет |
ISO 639-2: |
jbo |
ISO 639-3: |
jbo |
Ложбан (прозносится Шаблон:IPA-art) - искусственный, синтаксически недвусмысленный человеческий язык, основанный на логике предикатов, в 1987 году Группой логического языка (англ. The Logical Language Group, ложбан la lojbangirz.) на основе предшествующего проекта Логлан. Название "Lojban" - это комбинация loj и ban, являющихся короткими формами слов logji (логический) и bangu (язык), соответственно. Развитие языка началось в 1987 Группой Логического Языка (LLG), которая намеревалась реализовать цель логлана, а также дополнить язык, сделав его более практичным и доступным свободно (как указано в его официальном полном английском названии "Ложбан: реализация логлана"). После долгого начального периода дискуссий и тестирования, базис языка был проработан в 1998 с публикацией Эталонной Грамматики Ложбана. В 2012 году в интервью газетам New York Times и Arika Okrent автор книги In the Land of Invented Languages (В стране изобретённых языков) заявил: "Сконструированный язык с наиболее полной грамматикой - это, вероятно, ложбан – язык, созданный для того, чтобы отражать принципы логики."[1] Основными источниками его базовой лексики были шесть (на тот момент) самые распространённых языков мира по числу говорящих на них: мандаринский, английский, хинди, испанский, русский и арабский, выбранные, чтобы уменьшить чувство незнакомства и непривычности корневых слов для людей разнообразного происхождения (в языковом смысле). В языке также использованы компоненты других сконструированных языков, примечательным примером чего могжет служить набор указателей отношения и эмоций языка Láadan.[2]
У ложбана есть предшественник, Loglan, язык, разработанный Джеймсом Куком Брауном в 1955 году и развивавшийся Институтом Логлана. Логлан был первоначально задуман как средство проверки влияния языка на мысли говорящего на нём (предположение, известное как гипотеза Сэпира-Уорфа).
Когда Браун начал заявлять о своих изначальных авторских правах[3][4] на компоненты языка, то активность сообщества резко спала. Чтобы преодолеть такой контроль, группа заинтересованных решила начать отдельный проект, отходя от лексической базы логлана и создавая заново весь лексикон, чтобы в конечном счёте и привело к современному ложбанскому лексикону. В 1987 они основали в Washington DC Группу Логического Языка. Они также выиграли судебный процесс о том, могут ли они продолжать называть свою версию языка "логланом".[5]
Вслед за публикацией Полного Языка Ложбана ожидалось, что "документированный лексикон будет официально закреплён, а развитие лексикона и эталонной грамматики будет заморожено как минимум на 5 лет, пока будет идти рост использования языка."[6] Как и было намечено, этот период, официально названный "замораживанием", истёк в 2002. Говорящие на ложбане теперь могут спокойно создавать новые слова и выражени и определять дальнейшее направление развития языка.
До настоящего времени ложбан имеет многие характеристики, общие с логланом:
- он имеет грамматику, основанную на логике сказуемых (предикатов), применённую и развитую, чтобы точно выражать сложные грамматические конструкции.
- в нём нет исключений или двусмысленностей в правилах в написании слов или грамматике (хотя словообразование основано на случайных морфемах случайной формы). Это делает язык очень удобным для компьютерного парсинга.
- он спланирован быть как можно более культурно нейтральным.
- систематическое изучение ложбана и его использование более простое по сравнению с большинством естественных языков.
- он обладает интригующей системой индикаторов, эффективно передающих контекстное отношение говорящего к происходящему, а также эмоции.
- Простота не является целью его дизайна по умолчанию.
Литература и развитие словаря
Lojban can be an intellectual device for creative writing and is deemed to have many potential aspects yet to be discovered or explored.
См. также the proposed fourth tense of Lojban discussed by Arthur Protin, Bob LeChevalier, Carl Burke, Doug Landauer, Guy Steele, Jack Waugh, Jeff Prothero, Jim Carter, and Robert Chassell, as well as ZAhO tenses, the concepts which "average English speakers won't recognize" because most of them (the concepts) "have no exact English counterpart".
Подобно большинству языков с малым числом носителей для ложбана нет крупного корпуса литературы and its creative extensions have not been fully realized (the true potential of its attitudinal system, for example, is considered unlikely to be drawn out "until and unless we have children raised entirely in a multi-cultural Lojban-speaking environment"[7]). Also such collective or encyclopedic sources of knowledge like the Lojban Wikipedia, which may help expand the language's lexical horizon, are in need of development.
Presently accessible Lojbanic writings are principally concentrated on the Lojban.org, though there exist independent Lojbanic blog/journal sites as well. The Lojban IRC (or its archive) has a gathering of Lojbanic expressions too, but its grammatical correctness is not always guaranteed. These available materials on the internet include both original works and translations of classic pieces in the field of natural languages, ranging from poetry, short story, novel, and academic writing. This has been paralleled with a chrestomathy project aiming to produce a collection of translated writings in order to show wide samplings of various language, hopefully longer than 10000 words and with a variety of genres and styles[8] (see also – External link: Literature). Exemplary works that are already available include:
- Алиса в стране чудес английского автора Льюиса Кэррола
- Тысяча и одна ночь
- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Chapter 1) by the science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein
- Пророк ливанско-американского писателя Kahlil Gibran
- The Little Things by the short story writer/poet Raymond Carver
- Человек и Змея автора коротких историй/сатирика Ambrose Bierce
- The Book by the cosmic horror writer H. P. Lovecraft
- Книга Есфири из Библии
Другие проекты перевода включают:
- Eaton Interface: a translation of the Helen Eaton concept list into Lojban.
- Parliamentary Rules: Lojban terms for parliamentary actions.
- Lojban Adventure: a Lojban version of the classic Colossal Cave text adventure game.
Количество составных слов (lujvo) и заимствованных слов (fu'ivla) продолжает увеличиваться при появлении потребности у говорящих. Количество корневых слова (gismu) и служебных слов (cmavo) в целом не меняется, но предложения по новым словам рассматриваются как экспериментальные компоненты языка. Фактически, it has been noticed that particular inclination or disproportion exists in the available vocabulary. Cortesi[9] has pointed out the lack of certain terms for mathematics and geometry (although this demand may now be disputed as the current set of Lojban vocabulary does actually allow speakers to express such notions as steradian (stero), trigonometric tangent (tanjo), multiplicative inverse (fa'i), matrix transpose (re'a) among a number of other kinds of operators or metric units). Other instances which require speakers to construct noncanonical words:
- There are few (almost non-existent) entries of African country names on the official list of root words while other country names (especially those with large populations of speakers of the six source languages) are covered to a remarkable extent.
- Such distinction as between palne (tray) and palta (plate) exist while no distinction between "illustration" and "photography" is made by the available set of gismu (that is, no exclusive root word for "photography" exists except the generic pixra (picture) (see also – Grammar: Morphology: brivla: gismu).
Развитие обучающего материала
Кроме просто практики языка некоторые члены сообщества и Группы Логического Языка занялись разработкой различных средств для помощи изучающим язык. Эталонная Грамматика Ложбана (CLL, также известная как Красная книга из-за цвета её обложки, а также Кодекс Вальдемара по имени его автора), опубликованная в 1997 году и ставшая последним словом в описании всех аспектов языка, является одним из таких примеров. Some of the projects in varying stages of completeness are:
- Разговорник: Lojbanic Phrasebook Project, CVS/Wiki Lojban Phrasebook, Pocket Dictionary
- Парсер: Lojban Parser/Machine Grammar (by Robin Lee Powell), jbofi'e (by Richard Curnow), valfendi (by Pierre Abbat)
- База данных: jbovlaste (by Robin Lee Powell), Reference Database (by Matt Arnold on DabbleDB)
- Others: Lojban/Logic book and webpage (by John Clifford), TLI Loglan Interface (by Steven Belknap and Bob LeChevalier)
- (see also – External link: Learning Courses/Resources)
Развитие сообщества
В настоящее время материалы для изучения ложбана доступны прежде всего для говорящих на английском, русском, французском, испанском языках, иврите, эсперанто (в разной степени).[10][11]
До сих пор заметна диспропорция в сообществе по живущим в разных странах. Среди ложбанистов есть уверенность, что больше людей разного культурного/языкового происхождения присоединятся к сообществу, чтобы поддерживать и далее развивать join the community in order to maintain and further complement the intended neutrality of the language. (see also – Community)
Будущие цели
While the initial aim of the Loglan project was to investigate the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, the active Lojban community recognizes additional goals for the language to be attained in the future, including but not limited to:
- Eliminating ambiguity in language
- Use as a potential International Auxiliary Language
- Use as a potential academic language, such as in science or philosophy
- Use as an educational tool
- Research in linguistics
- Research in artificial intelligence and machine understanding
- Improved human-computer communication, storage ontologies, and computer translation of natural language text
- Improved human-human communication, due to the logical and unambiguous structure and greater means of expression
Note that these goals are not crucial to the Lojban community, most of whom simply want to enjoy communicating with each other in Lojban.
Phonology and orthography
Lojban has 6 vowels and 17 consonants. Some of them have, apart from the preferred/standard sounds, permitted variants intended to cover dissimilitude in pronunciation by speakers of different linguistic backgrounds.
Stress normally falls on the penultimate syllable.
There are 16 diphthongs (and no triphthongs). A distinction between diphthongs and monophthongs can be written by inserting a comma in the Latin alphabet. Vowel hiatus is also prevented by inserting an apostrophe, which usually indicates [h], though there are other valid realizations. For those who have trouble pronouncing certain consonant clusters, there is the option of adding vowels between them (epenthesis), as long as they differ sufficiently from the phonological vowels and are pronounced as short as possible. The resulting additional syllables are not factored in the grammar, including for the purposes of stress determination.
Lojban is written almost entirely with lower-case letters; upper-case letters are used to mark stress in words that do not fit the normal rules of stress assignment, or when whitespace is omitted.
The letters in Lojban and their respective pronunciations are shown in the table below. The IPA symbols in parentheses indicate alternative pronunciations; preferred pronunciations have no parentheses.
Consonants | Auxiliary characters | |||||||||||||||||||
IPA representation | Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink (Шаблон:IPAblink) |
Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink (Шаблон:IPAblink) |
Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink (Шаблон:IPAblink) |
Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblinkШаблон:R | Шаблон:IPAblinkШаблон:R | Шаблон:IPAblinkШаблон:R | Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblinkШаблон:RШаблон:R | Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink (Шаблон:IPAblink) |
Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink | . |
Latin | b | c | d | f | g | j | k | l | m | n | p | r | s | t | v | x | z | ' | . | , |
Vowels | ||||||
IPA representation | Шаблон:IPAblink (Шаблон:IPAblink) |
Шаблон:IPAblink (Шаблон:IPAblink) |
Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink (Шаблон:IPAblink) |
Шаблон:IPAblink | Шаблон:IPAblink |
Latin | a | e | i | o | u | y |
In principle, Lojban may be written in any orthographic system as long as it satisfies the required regularities and unambiguities. Some of the reasons for such elasticity would be as follows:
- Lojban is defined by the phonemes rather than graphemes; as long as they are correctly rendered so as to maintain the Lojbanic audio-visual isomorphism, a representational system can be said to be an appropriate orthography of the language;
- Lojban is meant to be as culturally neutral as possible, so it is never crucial or fundamental to claim that some particular orthography of some particular languages (e.g. the Latin alphabet) should be the dominant mode.
Some Lojbanists extend this principle to claim that even an original orthography of the language is to be sought.[12]
This article will use the common Latin alphabet mode.
В Ложбане три части речи: слова-предикаты (brivla), служебные слова (cmavo) и имена собственные (cmevla). Каждая из них имеет уникальные идентифицирующие свойства, поэтому можно легко определить, к какой части речи принадлежит то или иное слово в потоке речи. Их можно дальше подразделять на подклассы. There also exists a special fragmental form assigned to some predicate words and structure words, from which compound words (lujvo) may be created.[13][14]
Синтакс и семантика
The language's grammatical structures are "defined by a set of rules that have been tested to be unambiguous using computers", which is in effect called the "machine grammar".[15] Hence the characteristics of the standard syntactic (not semantic) constructs in Lojban:
- each word has exactly one grammatical interpretation;
- the words relate grammatically to each other in exactly one way.
Such standards, however, are to be attained with certain carefulness:
The computer-tested, unambiguous rules also include grammar for 'incomplete' sentences e.g. for narrative, quotational, or mathematical phrases.
Lojbanic expressions are modular; smaller constructs of words are assembled into larger phrases so that all incorporating pieces manifest as a possible grammatical unity. This mechanism allows for simple yet infinitely powerful phrasings; "a more complex phrase can be placed inside a simple structure, which in turn can be used in another instance of the complex phrase structure".
Такую типологию можно обозначить как в основном следующую порядку Субъект-Глагол-Объект и Субъект-Объект-Глагол. Однако, фактически она может быть любой, поэтому в языке можно реализовать свободный порядок слов:
- mi prami do (SVO) (Я люблю тебя)
- mi do prami (SOV) (Мною ты любим)
- do se prami mi (OVS) (Ты любим мной)
- do mi se prami (OSV) (Ты мною любим)
- prami fa mi do (VSO) (Люблю я тебя)
- prami do fa mi (VOS) (Люблю тебя я)
Such flexibility has to do with the language's intended capability to translate as many expressions of natural languages as possible, based on a unique positional case system. The meaning of the sentence {mi prami do} is determined by {prami} realizing, with its own predefined "place structure", a specific semantic relation between {mi} and {do}; when the positional relation between {mi} and {do} changes, the meaning of the sentence changes too. As shown above, Lojban has particular devices to preserve such semantic structure of words while altering their order.
As befits a logical language, there is a large assortment of logical connectives. Such conjunction words take different forms depending on what they connect, another reason why the (standard) Lojbanic expressions are typically precise and clear.
Multiple predicate words may be linked up together so as to narrow the semantic scope of the phrase. In skami pilno "computer user(s)", the modifying word skami narrows the sense of the modified word pilno to form a more specific concept (in which case the modifier may resemble English adverbs or adjectives).
- English: Several small fires were burning in the house.
- Lojban: so'i cmalu fagri puca'o jelca ne'i le zdani
- Gloss: many small fire past-continuing burn inside the house (Translation after English)
One could go still further, adding a quite extreme example of its syntactical flexibility.
Lojban can easily "imitate" even Amerindian one-word sentences like this one:
- Nuu-chah-nulth language: inikwihl'minik'isit
- Lojban: zdane'ikemcmafagyso'ikemprununjelca (so-called lujvo or compound word mainly using the underlying rafsi or roots according to strict compositional rules)
- Gloss: (about) house-inside type-of small fire multitude type-of past event type of burning
The Nuu-chah-nulth one-word sentence breaks down a bit differently as:
inkiw (fire/burn) -ihl (in-the-house) -'minik (plural) -'is (diminutive) -'it (past-tense)
which can be readily expressed in Lojban the same way:
- Lojban: fagykemyzdanerso'icmapru
- Gloss: fire-type-house-inside-many-small-past-event
Разговорные фразы
Ложбан | буквальное значение | русский |
coi/co'o Шаблон:Audio | [приветствия!]/[прощание!] | привет/пока |
pe'u Шаблон:Audio | [пожалуйста!] | пожалуйста |
ki'e Шаблон:Audio | [благодарен!] | спасибо |
.u'u Шаблон:Audio | [сожаление!] | Извините |
xu do se glibau/jbobau Шаблон:Audio | [истина-ложь?] ты являешься-говорящим-на-английском/ложбане | Ты говоришь по-английски/на ложбане? |
ti/ta/tu Шаблон:Audio | this-here/that-here/that-there | this one/that one/that yonder |
mi na jimpe Шаблон:Audio | Я [ложб] понимаю | Я не понимаю |
go'i Шаблон:Audio | the-last-sentence | yes/That's true |
na go'i Шаблон:Audio | [false] the-last-sentence | no/That's false |
la'u ma Шаблон:Audio | being-a-quantity-of what | How much/many? |
ma jdima Шаблон:Audio | what is-the-price-of | What's the cost? |
ma stuzi lo vimku'a Шаблон:Audio | what is-an-inherent-site-of that-which-is toilet | Where's the toilet? |
Some unique Lojbanic expressions
- .oiro'o bu'onai pei
[physical pain!] [end emotion] [?]
Are you no longer in pain? - mi nelci ko
I is-fond-of you-[imperative]
Make me be fond of you! - le cukta be'u cu zvati ma
that-which-is-described-as book [need!] is-at what
I need the book! Where is it? - ko ga'inai nenri klama le mi zdani
you-[imperative] [me-the-social-inferior!] inside-type-of come that-which-is-described-as having-to-do-with-me house
I would be honored if you would enter my residence. - le nanmu cu ninmu
one-or-more-specific-things-which-I-describe-as "men" are women
The man/men is a/are woman/women. - seri'agi mi jgari lei djacu gi mi jgari le kabri
With-physical-effect I grasp the-mass-of water, I grasp the cup.
I grasp water, since I grasp the cup.
The North Wind and the Sun
A translation of The North Wind and the Sun by Nick Nicholas, used in comparative IPA realizations.[16] Шаблон:Quotation
Tongue twisters
- lo'u lu le la li'u le'u
- le crisa srasu cu rirci crino
- tisna fa la tsani le cnita tsina lo tinci tinsa
- la .bab. zbasu loi bakyzbabu loi bakygrasu
- mi na djuno le du'u klama fa makau la .makaus. makau makau makau
- le jbijbejbo cu cpucpacpe le jbajbu le cpicpare
- lo la .santas. santa'a santa
A Lojbanic poem (audio)
The Internet
The activities of Lojban speakers are mostly via the Internet:
- Lojban.org: A user-maintained site, attempting to reflect a cross section of the Lojban community outside of the LLG.
- Lojban IRC (irc.freenode.net #lojban): Based on the Freenode IRC network. One may use a web interface as an alternative to IRC clients.
- Lojban Mailing List: A beginner-oriented means to talk/learn about the language.
- jbovlaste: An official, dictionary editing interface created by Jay Kominek, updated by Robin Lee Powell. People can post new Lojbanic words with definitions and examples, or vote for such experimental words.
- samxarmuj/The Lojban Moo: A multi-user virtual environment, similar to the old text adventure games. A guide is given here.
- le jbopre pe lj's Journal: A communal Lojban blog.
- lojban-valsi: A-word-a-day mailing list on the Yahoo! Groups.
- jbotcan.org: A community in which people may practice their Lojban, ask questions, propose Lojban-related ideas, etc.
- uikipedias: The Lojban Wikipedia, where discussions may be conversed in English.
Фестиваль Logfest
Встречи ложбанистов ежегодно проходят в США ещё с 1990 года и называются Logfest. В целом они неофициальны, проходят по выходным дням. Единственно регулярная активность - это ежегодное собрание LLG. Те, кто не могут принять живое участие, принимают участие через IRC. Деятельностью может быть всё, что угодно участникам: общение на ложбане, уроки, обсуждение технических моментов.
The total number of Lojban speakers is unknown.
According to Lojban.org,[17] places known to have concentration of Lojbanists are:
- Australia, Israel, United States
Also Frappr.com shows[18] that, as of August 2007, some people from the following countries are interested in or enthusiasts of the language:
- Argentina, Canada, China, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela.
Below are some of the notable personalities who have contributed to the development of Lojban:
- Bob LeChevalier (aka lojbab): the president of the LLG.[19]
- John Cowan (aka jcowan): the author of The Complete Lojban Language.
- Jorge Llambías (aka xorxes): one of the most active Lojbanists, having done several translations. He is also a prominent figure on the mailing list, helping beginners with the language.
- Matt Arnold (aka epkat): one of the most active Lojbanists. He has been contributing to the translation project and software development.
- Nick Nicholas (aka nitcion): an Australian linguist. He is the first fluent Lojban speaker (although he insists that he was the second; he is known to be excessively modest). He has done Lojbanic writing, including Lojban For Beginners coauthored by Robin Turner.
- Robin Lee Powell (aka camgusmis): the current webmaster of Lojban.org. He provides the machine and bandwidth from which the site is served. He has also written several Lojbanic materials including a novel-sized story, la nicte cadzu (Night Walkers).
- Robin Turner: a British philosopher and linguist living in Turkey. He is the coauthor of Lojban For Beginners.
Comparison with other logical languages
Loglan is now a generic term that refers both to James Cooke Brown's Loglan, and all languages descended from it. Since the organization that Dr. Brown established, The Loglan Institute (TLI), still calls its language Loglan, it is necessary to state that this section refers specifically to the TLI language, instead of the entire family of languages.
The principal difference between Lojban and Loglan is one of lexicon. A Washington DC splinter group, which later formed The Logical Language Group, LLG, decided in 1986 to remake the entire vocabulary of Loglan in order to evade Dr. Brown's claim of copyright to the language. After a lengthy battle in court, his claim to copyright was ruled invalid. But by then, the new vocabulary was already cemented as a part of the new language, which was called Lojban: A realization of Loglan by its supporters.
The closed set of five-letter words was the first part of the vocabulary to be remade. The words for Lojban were made by the same principles as those for Loglan; that is, candidate forms were chosen according to how many sounds they had in common with their equivalent in some of the most commonly spoken languages on Earth, which was then multiplied by the number of speakers of the languages with which the words had letters in common. The difference with the Lojban remake of the root words was that the weighting was updated to reflect the actual numbers of speakers for the languages. This resulted in word forms that had fewer sounds taken from English, and more sounds taken from Chinese. For instance, the Loglan word norma is equivalent to the Lojban word cnano (cf. Chinese 常, pinyin cháng), both meaning "normal".
Grammatical words were gradually added to Lojban as the grammatical description of the language was made.
Loglan and Lojban still have essentially the same grammars, and most of what is said in the Grammar section above holds true for Loglan as well. Most simple, declarative sentences could be translated word by word between the two languages; but the grammars differ in the details, and in their formal foundations. The grammar of Lojban is defined mostly in the language definition formalism YACC, with a few formal "pre-processing" rules. Loglan also has a machine grammar, but it is not definitive; it is based on a relatively small corpus of sentences that has remained unchanged through the decades, which takes precedence in case of a discrepancy.
There are also many differences in the terminology used in English to talk about the two languages. In his writings, Brown used many terms based on English, Latin and Greek, some of which were already established with a slightly different meaning. On the other hand, the Lojban camp freely borrowed grammatical terms from Lojban itself. For example, what linguists call roots or root words, Loglanists call primitives or prims, and Lojbanists call gismu. The lexeme of Loglan and selma'o of Lojban have nothing to do with the linguistic meaning of lexeme. It is a kind of part of speech, a subdivision of the set of grammatical words, or particles, which loglanists call little words and lojbanists cmavo. Loglan and Lojban have a grammatical construct called metaphor and tanru, respectively; this is not really a metaphor, but a kind of modifier-modificand relationship, similar to that of a noun adjunct and noun. A borrowed word in Loglan is simply called a borrowing; but in English discussions of Lojban, the Lojban word fu'ivla is used. This is probably because in Lojban, unlike Loglan, a certain set of CV templates is reserved for borrowed words.
In the new phonology for Lojban, the consonant q and the vowel w were removed, and the consonant h was replaced by x. The consonant ' (apostrophe) was added with the value of [h] in the International Phonetic Alphabet, but its distribution is such that it can appear only intervocally, and in discussions of the morphology and phonotactics, it is described not as a proper consonant, but a "voiceless glide". (This phoneme is realized as [θ] by some speakers.) A rigid phonotactical system was made for Lojban, but Loglan does not seem to have had such a system.
Lojsk was conceived by Ari Reyes, heavily influenced by Loglan, Lojban, Universal Networking Language (UNL), Esperanto, Visual Basic, Dutton's Speedwords, Ceqli and Gua\spiШаблон:Citation needed. It is designed to be more single-syllable oriented. If possible, that would nonetheless lead Lojsk to be more sensitive to noisy environments than Lojban isШаблон:Says who, therefore its practicality in oral communication may be questionedШаблон:Ref.
Voksigid,[20] created by an Internet working group led by Bruce R. Gilson, attempts to construct a predicate language of a different type from those which had gone before. Its syntax was somewhat influenced by Japanese, and its vocabulary was based mostly on European language roots. Loglan and Lojban both use word order to mark the various places in the predication, but because remembering which position means which role in the predication might be beyond easy memorization for most people, Voksigid was designed in order to overcome this issue. It uses an extensive set of very semantically specific prepositions to mark the roles of verb arguments, instead of positional order as in Loglan and Lojban.
Gua\spi is a descendent of Lojban and Loglan but is tonal, developed by Jim Carter. Instead of structure words there are in Gua\spi six different tones. Predicates have only one syllable instead of two. Some of its characteristics, including tones, phonotactics, expressions for masses vs sets, non-existence of metalinguistic negation, etc, received criticism.[21]
- Notes
- Goertzel, Ben: Potential Computational Linguistics Resources for Lojban. Self-published, March 6, 2005.
- Speer, Rob; Havasi, Catherine: Meeting the Computer Halfway: Language Processing in the Artificial Language Lojban. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004. [1]Шаблон:Dead link
- Lojban vs Loglan comparison
- Шаблон:Cite web
Внешние ссылки
Шаблон:External links Шаблон:InterWiki Шаблон:Wikibooks Шаблон:Wiktionary Шаблон:Wiktionary
Личные блоги
- lo cunso selpeisku
- le karni be fi la camgusmis by Robin Lee Powell
- C.I.T.O.K.A.T.E. by Matt Arnold (direct link to his Lojbanic contents)
Дискуссионные группы
Learning courses/resources
Для начинающих
- What Is Lojban?, The Book edited by Nick Nicholas, John Cowan (Note: this is the so-called "Level 0" booklet.)
- Lojban For Beginners (L4B) by Robin Turner and Nick Nicholas
- L4B at Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (hosted by UC Irvine)
- Everyday Lojban by Lojban.org
- Google Wave Lessons
- Lojban Wave Lessons Continued (up to 16)
- Lojban Wave Lessons Continued, Part 2 (17-28)
- jboski: an online Lojban-to-English parser/translator by LLG
- genrei: an online parser and/or translator (depending on the mode (it has eight modes to choose from)): its "Translate (Pretty)" mode works similarly to jboski, except that it starts translating immediately, without requiring the clicking of a 'Submit' button, and without destroying the Lojban text in the process.
- jbotcan's jbofi'e: another Lojban parser/translator, which publicly displays parse-translations of well-formed Lojban sentences, while ignoring other kinds of input. It is independent of the lojban.org server (which is sometimes too busy or hard to reach) though its lujvo vocabulary might not be quite so up-to-date (as genrei's).
- Parallel 2: a free program for parallel reading and listening, based on the implicit learning approach
- jMemorize:
- Popup.app: a GNUstep based vocabulary learning tool that can use cmafi'e to extract the vocabulary from a given text.
- Quizlet:
- Lojbanic Number Trainer: a simple web tool
- Xah's Logical Language Page: A brief introduction + some word categories
- Software Assisted Learning: miscellaneous software listed on Lojban.org
- Basic Lojban picture wordlist: a list of picturable gismu on the Lojban Wikipedia
- Tatoeba.org's List of Lojban Sentences with Translations
- wordlists
- gimste: a full list of Lojban gismu
- Lojban/Rafsi on Wikibooks
- list of cmavo ordered by selma'o
- dictionaries
- vlasisku: an online dictionary which can be searched for English or Lojban words
- jbovlaste: an official Lojban dictionary project
- English ↔ Lojban Dictionary PDF file (Edition 4 - March 2009)
- "jbovlaste: The Lojban↔English Dictionary" by The Lojban Community (PDF file) (Generated: August 1, 2001)
- vlasisku: an online dictionary which can be searched for English or Lojban words
- grammars
- Diagrammed Summary of Lojban Grammar Forms with Example Sentences by LLG
- The Lojban Reference Grammar by John Cowan (Note: the LRG is a pre-final/draft version of The Complete Lojban Language)
- LRG (or CLL?) in github
- LRG in a PDF file at lojban.co.uk
- Lojban EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form)
- cheatsheets
- Using UML to understand Lojban
- UML diagram of Lojban grammar
- Jérôme Desquilbet's page which also shows UML diagrams of Lojban grammar
- mind map of Lojban grammar terms by LLG
- MindMeister Mind Map of Lojban grammar
- The Periodic Table of pro-sumti and pro-bridi at LLG
- The Quick Lojban: spacetime cmavo at LLG
- Tables of conversational cmavo at LLG
- Numerical/mathematical cmavo at LLG
- Using UML to understand Lojban
- tools
- genrei also has a "Outline the grammar (jbofi'e)" parsing mode.
- Official Parser
- jvozba lujvo creator and splitter
- projects
Short stories
- la teris. po'u lo tirxu cu vitke zi'o le barda tcadu ("Terry The Tiger visits the big city") by maikl.turnianskis.
- la ckuzda pe la babel. ("The Library of Babel") by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by xorxes. (Jorge Llambías)
- xirli'u selsanga: a poem by Federico Garca Lorca, translated by xorxes. (Jorge Llambías)
- skanunydji: by Michael Helsem
- sipna pemci: by Arnt Richard Johansen
- Lojban Poetry – Tengwar script: by .aulun.
- Lojban Haikus – Hiragana script: by xorxes. & .aulun.
- Lojban Haikus – Hiragana script: by .aulun.
- Goethe: nicte selsa'a be le dzuli'u: by .aulun.
Fairy tales
- la snime blabi ("Snow White"), translated by la selpa'i
Novels & Novellas
- le cmalu noltru ("Le Petit Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, translated by xorxes.) (warning: pictures may be missing)
- lo selfri be la .alis. bei bu'u la selmacygu'e ("Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, illustrated by John Tenniel) translated by xorxes. (Jorge Llambías)
- lo selfri be la .alis. bei bu'u la selmacygu'e purchasable as a book on blurb, typeset by Andrew and Anna Piekarski
am:ሎዥባን ar:لجبن an:Lojban ba:Ложбан br:Lojbaneg ca:Lojban cs:Lojban da:Lojban de:Lojban et:Lojban es:Lojban eo:Loĵbano fr:Lojban gl:Lojban ko:로지반 io:Lojban ia:Lojban it:Lingua lojban he:לוז'באן la:Lojban lt:Lojban jbo:lojban. mg:Fiteny lojban nl:Lojban ja:ロジバン no:Lojban nov:Lojban oc:Lojban mhr:Ложбан pnb:لوجبان pl:Lojban pt:Lojban ru:Ложбан sa:लोज़बानम् stq:Lojban simple:Lojban sr:Ложбан fi:Lojban sv:Lojban ta:உலோசுபன் மொழி uk:Ложбан zh:逻辑语
- ↑ New York Times, the. Questions Answered: Invented Languages
- ↑ Cowan, John. The Complete Lojban Language 13.11
- ↑ Why I like Lojban
- ↑ AI Newsletter corroborating from the Loglan side
- ↑ Johansen, Arnt Richard. Why I like Lojban (проверено август 2007)
- ↑ Lojban.org Official Baseline Statement
- ↑ Cowan, John. The Complete Lojban Language 13.16
- ↑ Lojban.org Official LLG Projects: Chrestomathy (accessed August 2007)
- ↑ Cortesi, David. Lack of Geometry
- ↑ Lojban.org Official LLG Projects (проверено август 2007)
- ↑ Lojban.org Word Lists (проверено август 2007)
- ↑ Kena. Vodka-Pomme: Considerations on writing: The case of lojban (accessed August 2007)
- ↑ Cowan, John Woldemar. The Complete Lojban Language: 4.1 (accessed August 2007)
- ↑ Nicholas, Nick, and John Cowan. What is Lojban?: 2.2 (accessed August 2007)
- ↑ Nicholas, Nick. John Cowan. What Is Lojban? II.3
- ↑ http://www.lojban.org/files/texts/northwind
- ↑ Lojban.org The Lojban Online Community. 2005
- ↑ Frappr.com Lojban (accessed August 2007)
- ↑ Lojban.org LLG Members (accessed August 2010)
- ↑ Bruce R. Gilson's Voksigid page
- ↑ John Cowan (2003) critique of Gua\spi