(не показаны 122 промежуточные версии 5 участников) |
Строка 1: |
Строка 1: |
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| + | <big>'''Мы [http://wiki.sos-dan.ru/w/index.php/Судзумия_Харухи/Ранобе/7_том переехали]'''</big> |
− | ===Prologue Пролог===
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− | |Судзумия Харухи в последнее время задумчива.
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− | Она не впадает в меланхолию, не вздыхает, да и скучающей не выглядит, но в последние дни кажется подозрительно притихшей, и это непонятное спокойствие меня немного пугает.
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− | Разумеется, она притихла не в физическом плане, и уж конечно не в эмоциональном! Харухи слишком уверена в себе, чтобы из-за мелочей и пустяков взять и поменять свой уже устоявшийся характер, а если бы такое и произошло, то для меня обернулось бы исключительно дополнительными сложностями, да и не похоже, чтобы она исправлялась. Просто, как бы сказать, к ней приклеилась какая-то тихость, словно аура с киррилиан-картинки, которую она излучала весь год, поменяла цвет с пылающе-красного на оранжевый.
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− | Во всём классе один, максимум два человека способны заметить, что с Харухи что-то не так. Один из них — я.
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− | С самого первого дня в старшей школе она всегда сидела за мной, и каждый день мы встречались после уроков. Так что, когда я говорю, что могу лучше всех определять её настроение, то не преувеличиваю. Хоть я и сказал, что она сейчас притихла, это не означает, что она не способна внезапно взорваться и устроить окружающим весёлую жизнь. И ведь не успокоится, пока все не узнают, чего она стоит.
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− | Следует заметить, что на школьном мероприятии в конце прошлого месяца она заняла лишь второе место, тогда как на марафоне в начале этого стала первой. Кстати, победила в первом мероприятии не кто иная, как Юки Нагато, занявшая второе место в марафоне. Короче говоря, руководители «Бригады SOS» и литературного кружка столь великолепны, что им место рядом с легендарными военачальниками прошлого. И в то же время школа всё ещё не имела ни малейшего понятия, чем занимается «Бригада». Этим же вопросом задавался и я, как-никак, член команды.
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− | Одно я знаю точно: если у Харухи такое настроение, значит, она что-то задумала. И когда её план наконец созреет, на лице непременно засияет ослепительная улыбка.
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− | Странно, но я не помню, когда сделал это открытие. Я мысленно перелистал историю нашего знакомства, стараясь припомнить, что у Харухи следует за таким спокойным настроением.
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− | Затишье — самый надежный признак надвигающегося цунами. Всегда так было.
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− | Итак…
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− | Вот уже начало февраля, и зима приближается к концу.
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− | Отредактировал '''Martin'''
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− | Отредактировал '''Lexs'''
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− | Отредактировал '''Jehanne'''
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− | Отшлифовали '''Xsen''' и '''Mаrtin''' с учетом критики от '''Himself'''
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− | |Suzumiya Haruhi has become very pensive lately.
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− | Even though she is often melancholic and sometimes easily agitated, she is actually very
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− | sociable. Even so, she's been surprisingly tranquil these past couple days. This quietness from
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− | who-knows-where even scares people like me.
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− | | |
− | Of course, it isn't like her to stay quiet, and it definitely isn't a change of heart. Haruhi never
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− | doubts herself. Even if her personality has a slight or subtle change, she will never question
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− | herself. Anyway, if such a change were to happen, I would be put in a troublesome situation. So
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− | at this moment in time, I wouldn't bother to try and correct her. How should I put this... there's a
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− | type of quietness that's like a continuously radiating kirlian photograph in which the light has
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− | gone from burning red to a duller orange which is subtly surrounding her.
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− | | |
− | Of all the people in the class only one, at most two will be able to realize that she is not quite the
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− | same as usual. Of these two, one is me.
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− | | |
− | Ever since I entered high school, she has always been sitting behind me and we meet after school
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− | every day. So, I can say without exaggerating that if anyone has noticed anything it would have
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− | to be me. But even though I say she's calm now, that bright flare can still give the all-knowing a
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− | run for their money. As soon as it bursts forth, the energy that will not stop until it succeeds will
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− | show its true colors.
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− | | |
− | Note that while she only got second at the event the school organized at the end of last month,
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− | Haruhi got first in the marathon held at the school at the beginning of this month. By the way,
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− | the winner of the first event was none other than Nagato Yuki, who also got second in the
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− | marathon. In a nutshell, the leaders of the SOS Brigade and the literature Club are both amazing
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− | and fit to be grouped with the Warlords in the past. And yet again, the school was left to rack its
| |
− | brains and try and figure out what the Brigade was doing. One such student who wondered this
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− | was me, a member.
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− | | |
− | If I know only one thing, it's that once Haruhi displays that kind of expression and spirit, I can be
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− | sure that she's planning something. And at the moment she has thought it through, her face will
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− | transform back to its enchanting, smiling form.
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− | | |
− | Oddly, I don't actually remember when I discovered this. When was it? I tried flipping through
| |
− | the history book in my mind, searching through for the record that displayed her quiet side
| |
− | gradually disappearing.
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− | | |
− | A calm moment is the accurate, unmistakable prediction of a giant tsunami. It has always been
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− | like that.
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− | | |
− | So......
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− | | |
− | It is now the beginning of February, the cold winter is nearing its end.
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− | |Новый год наступил и прошёл, мы распрощались с полным проблем старым годом почти месяц назад. Если кажется, что время пролетело слишком быстро, то, возможно, это из-за того, что весь прошлый месяц был заполнен новогодними делами.
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− | | |
− | Что ж, я надеюсь, течение времени вновь придет в норму. Понятия не имею, что замышляла Харухи, ведь тогда для меня на первом плане было решение собственной проблемы. Предаваться воспоминаниям о прошедшем годе в феврале ещё рано, но раз уж то, о чём я собрался поведать, вполне можно выразить словами, то я попробую рассказать всё с энтузиазмом и без упущений.
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− | В то время у меня был лишь один девиз: «Заканчивай начатое, одно за другим. Как можно быстрее».
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− | Я решился на это ещё во время нашей зимней поездки, но мне понадобилось некоторое время, чтобы начать действовать.
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− | Эта история началась второго января на обычном железнодорожном вокзале.
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− | .........
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− | ......
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− | ...
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− | Каникулы, на которых мы попали в метель и оказались запертыми в таинственном особняке в горах, закончились. На дворе стоял второй день нового года, и Бригада СОС наконец-то вернулась домой из своей зимней поездки.
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− | | |
− | — Фу-ух, вот мы и дома!
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− | | |
− | Харухи поприветствовала наш городок и, прищурив один глаз, повернулась лицом к заходящему солнцу.
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− | | |
− | — Наконец-то можно расслабиться. Конечно, особняк в горах был не так уж плох, но родной воздух всегда лучше, даже если он слегка застоялся.
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− | Дворецкому Аракаве, горничной Мори и братьям Тамару оказалось с нами не по пути, и мы давно с ними распрощались. Таким образом, единственными, кто дожидался багажа на городском вокзале, были неутомимые и чрезвычайно бодрые Харухи и Цуруя-сан; Асахина-сан, к которой намертво прилипла моя сестра; вечно невозмутимая Нагато; обессиленный, но по-прежнему улыбающийся Коидзуми; и жутко вымотанный я с грузом в виде Сямисена. Ну, этого более чем достаточно.
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− | | |
− | — На сегодня все свободны!
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− | По Харухи было видно, что она неплохо повеселилась.
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− | | |
− | — Сегодня можете отдохнуть, а завтра пойдем в новогодний обход храмов и святынь. Встречаемся здесь в девять. Кстати, Цуруя-сан, у тебя есть какие-нибудь планы?
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− | Перевел tolerantfire
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− | Отредактировал Martin
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− | Отшлифовали Xsen и Martin, с учётом критики от Himself
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− | | |
− | | |
− | |New Years has come and gone, and we left the troublesome old year behind almost a month ago.
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− | If time seems to have flown by, it's probably because you've kept yourself busy doing a lot of
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− | New Years related things during that first month.
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− | | |
− | Here, I'm hoping that time will reverse. I have no clue what Haruhi is planning, since I was busy
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− | coming to terms with my own situation first. Starting to reminisce about the past year in
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− | February is a bit early, but since what I have to say is not unsayable, I might as well tell it
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− | enthusiastically and completely.
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− | | |
− | At that time, I only had one motto: Finish the unfinished, one by one. As fast as possible.
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− | | |
− | When I made up my mind, it was when we were still on the winter trip. It took quite a bit of time
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− | before I set it in motion.
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− | | |
− | This is the story that starts January the second at the train station we always pass on normal days.
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− | .........
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− | ......
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− | ...
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− | | |
− | The vacation that had us fighting through a snowstorm and imprisoned in a mysterious mansion
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− | on the mountain finally ended on the second day of the new year. The SOS Brigade group that
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− | set out for the winter trip to that mountain villa finally returned home.
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− | | |
− | "Whew, I'm back."
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− | | |
− | Haruhi said hello to our little town, then turned to face the sunset, closing one eye.
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− | | |
− | "I can finally be comfortable. Even though the snow mountain wasn't too bad, the air you're used
| |
− | to is the best, although it is a bit stale."
| |
− | | |
− | Arakawa the butler, Mori the maid and the Tamaru brothers were all long gone, since they don't
| |
− | go this way to get home. So, the only ones claiming the baggage at the train station in front of
| |
− | our hometown are the tireless and extremely healthy Haruhi and Tsuruya-san, Asahina-san, who
| |
− | my sister was clinging to, unwilling to separate, the forever impassive Nagato, the exhausted
| |
− | Koizumi, the extremely weary me and the cargo, Shamisen. Ha, that should be enough, I guess.
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− | | |
− | "Dismissed for today."
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− | | |
− | Haruhi gave the appearance that she'd had lots of fun.
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− | | |
− | "Everyone can get some rest. Tomorrow will be the first time this year we visit the temples and
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− | shrines nearby, meet here at nine. Oh, Tsuruya-san, do you have any plans?"
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− | ===3 страница===
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− | |Я завидую тем людям, у которых остаются силы строить планы на следующий же день после возвращения из поездки. Проблема в том, что моё обычное человеческое тело не имеет вечного двигателя. Но Цуруя-сан, чья энергичность не уступает харухиной, ответила:
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− | | |
− | — Извини, я завтра улетаю в Швейцарию. С меня сувениры! А сейчас, пожалуйста, возьмите эти монетки и потратьте их на что-нибудь хорошее!
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− | | |
− | Она выгребла из кошелька горстку мелочи и отдала Асахине-сан.
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− | | |
− | — Дарю! — сказала она и вручила вторую горсть моей сестре. — Увидимся в следующем семестре!
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− | | |
− | Уходя с привокзальной площади, Цуруя-сан улыбалась и махала нам рукой. Она выглядела радостной и хорошо отдохнувшей. Хотел бы я знать, как её такой воспитали, потом как-нибудь попрошу её родителей поделиться опытом.
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− | | |
− | Харухи тоже улыбалась и махала Цуруе-сан, пока та не скрылась из виду, а затем сказала:
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− | | |
− | — Ну что ж, нам тоже пора по домам. Будьте внимательнее при переходе через дорогу. Пока не придёте домой, считайте, что вы всё ещё в зимней поездке.
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− | | |
− | Мы с Коидзуми настолько устали, что если бы по пути домой произошло что-то непредвиденное, мы просто физически не смогли бы с этим справиться. Хотя я не думаю, что что-то подобное может случиться по дороге домой с вокзала.
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− | | |
− | Я посмотрел на Нагато. Все её странности остались в том загадочном горном особняке, и она вернулась в своё безэмоциональное, совершенно непроницаемое состояние. Как только я это подумал, наши глаза встретились. Возможно, мне и показалось, что Нагато слегка кивнула головой, но не думаю, что я ошибся.
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− | | |
− | Затем я взглянул на Асахину-сан. Всю поездку она была спокойной и безмятежной, но на середине нашего путешествия её беззаботность сменилась лёгким беспокойством, и, если подумать, оно и к лучшему. Теперь наступает её очередь действовать. Я смотрел на неё взглядом, полным обожания, но, к сожалению, она не замечала этого и продолжала болтать с моей сестрой, как будто они были ровесницами.
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− | | |
− | — Ладно, Увидимся завтра! Не опаздывать! И не забудьте взять денег, у храма будет миллион лотков со всякой всячиной.
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− | | |
− | Я взял сестрёнку за руку, другой рукой схватил клетку с Сямисэном, попрощался с Харухи и Асахиной-сан и сел в автобус.
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− | | |
− | — Микуру-тян, пока!
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− | | |
− | Перевел Badesar
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− | | |
− | Отредактировал Martin
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− | | |
− | Отшлифовали Xsen и Martin, с учётом критики от Himself.
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− | | |
− | |The energetic vigor that's already making plans for the next day after the vacation ended is very
| |
− | enviable. The problem is, my body, representing that of a normal human’s, doesn't have a
| |
− | perpetual motion machine built into it. But Tsuruya-san, the person whose vitality can somehow
| |
− | keep up with Haruhi's, said,
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− | | |
− | "Sorry everyone, I have to go to Switzerland tomorrow. I'll bring some souvenirs back. Please,
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− | take this change and donate it!"
| |
− | | |
− | After saying this, she dug into her pockets and showed her clinking and clanging change to
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− | Asahina-san.
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− | | |
− | "This is New Year's money!"
| |
− | | |
− | She said, giving all her change to my sister.
| |
− | "See you next semester~"
| |
− | | |
− | She waved, leaving the train station with a bright, smiling face. Her posture was relaxed and
| |
− | cheerful. How was this girl raised? For future reference, I want to visit her parents and see what
| |
− | they say.
| |
− | | |
− | Haruhi kept waving until we lost sight of her around the corner of those apartments.
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− | | |
− | "Then, let's go home. Everyone be careful on the road. It's still the winter trip until you get
| |
− | home."
| |
− | | |
− | If anything were to happen on the way home, Koizumi and I physically wouldn't be able to take
| |
− | it anymore. Nothing weird should show up on the way home from the station, anyway.
| |
− | | |
− | I glanced at Nagato. Her abnormality inside the mysterious hotel on the mountain had vanished
| |
− | into thin air; she was now back to her emotionless, impossible-to-read state. As I thought this,
| |
− | her eyes moved and met mine. She nodded her head slightly; that wasn't just an illusion, I think.
| |
− | I looked over at Asahina-san. She had been relaxed and laid-back during the trip. The carefreeness
| |
− | had become nervousness while in the (Hall of Snow Mountain Syndrome), but upon
| |
− | reflection, this was for the best. Now is when she really made an entrance. I stared at her, full of
| |
− | affection, but sadly, she didn't notice my look at all and continued talking with my sister as if
| |
− | they were the same age.
| |
− | | |
− | "Well, see you tomorrow! Don't be late. Oh, and don't lose your pochibukuro, there'll be stalls
| |
− | everywhere tomorrow."
| |
− | | |
− | After Haruhi said that, I took hold of my sister's hand, held onto the box Shamisen was in, said
| |
− | farewell to Haruhi and Asahina-san and got on the public bus.
| |
− | | |
− | "See you later, Mikuru-chan!"
| |
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− | ===4 страница===
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− | |While I was pulling my struggling sister to her seat, I saw Asahina-san keep looking over and
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− | waving to my sister. Sorry, but I don't really feel like waving now. Well, if it were Haruhi or
| |
− | Koizumi, I would definitely shout goodbye.
| |
− | So, as soon as I got home and liberated myself from Shamisen and my sister, after a few minutes,
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− | I called two particular brigade members I had just left at the stop.
| |
− | Why?
| |
− | Because I wanted to finish what I regret leaving incomplete as soon as possible.
| |
− | And since it was because I was lazy that this awkward situation occurred, I'm very sorry, so I
| |
− | want to teach the old, lazy me a lesson. We should go to the me from a while before the trip.
| |
− | That time at the mysterious mansion on the mountain, it was because Nagato and Koizumi were
| |
− | bright that they managed to keep the worst-case scenario from occurring. But no one can
| |
− | guarantee that something like that will never happen again. Actually, I think that this had to
| |
− | happen someday. The fun at the mountain villa was delayed because of this problem, and the
| |
− | surroundings even disappeared along with the members. There was enough time afterwards at
| |
− | Tsuruya-san's resort while we played Fukuwarai and Sugoroku for me to make a decision.
| |
− | I have to go. I have to return to that time-space with Nagato and Asahina-san.
| |
− | Yes, back to the dawn of December the eighteenth...
| |
− | There's no time to rest off the weariness. First, I phoned Asahina-san, and since we had just
| |
− | separated, she was quite surprised.
| |
− | "What's the matter, Kyon-kun?"
| |
− | "There's a place I want to go with you. Today, preferably."
| |
− | "Eh......? Where?"
| |
− | "December the eighteenth of last year."
| |
− | She was both shocked and puzzled.
| |
− | "Ehhh......? Wha- What's happening?"
| |
− | "Please take me and Nagato into the past, two weeks ago, to be precise. Then we can work
| |
− | together to try and reverse time."
| |
− | "Tha-, me send...... no, that device cannot be used when I feel like it. It requires lots of
| |
− | consideration and authorization by many other people."
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− | |I bet that authorization will be easy to get. The vision floating in my mind's eye is of Mikuru
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− | (Big) winking at me, even blowing me a kiss.
| |
− | "Asahina-san, contact your boss or somebody like that right now. Explain it to them, and say that
| |
− | I want to take you and Nagato back to the dawn of December the eighteenth."
| |
− | I guess since I was brimming with confidence, Asahina-san's sighs that occasionally leaked
| |
− | through the phone became silent.
| |
− | "Wait, wait a minute."
| |
− | Of course I'll wait. I've always wondered how you communicate with the future, but all I'm
| |
− | hearing is Asahina-san's quiet breathing. This background music didn't last ten seconds, and was
| |
− | quickly replaced by a confused voice.
| |
− | "I don't believe it......"
| |
− | "It's been authorized. Bu-Why......? It was so easy......"
| |
− | That's because the future is now resting on my shoulders — but I didn't say that. How should I
| |
− | say this, I don't want to talk for much longer on the phone.
| |
− | "Let's meet in front of Nagato's apartment. Can you make it in 30 minutes?"
| |
− | "Uhh, wait. Give me an hour. I want to double-check. Oh, and, we should just meet in front of
| |
− | Nagato-san's apartment, there's no need to go in."
| |
− | I happily agreed and hung up the phone. After thinking of Asahina-san's cute and shocked face
| |
− | for a while, I set my face and reined in my feelings. In the time before departure, nothing that
| |
− | would make me laugh appeared. That guy should understand me best.
| |
− | And another person, who will know what I'm up to even if I don't tell her. But I should make
| |
− | sure. I picked up the phone again.
| |
− | An hour later......
| |
− | I came too early. I was so happy, I rode my bike as fast as I could. I stood in front of the
| |
− | luxurious apartment, almost freezing to death. 15 minutes later, a cheerful person ran up to me. It
| |
− | looked like she didn't have time to change, and didn't think of changing either. She was still
| |
− | wearing the clothes she was wearing when we came back from our trip. Actually, I was too.
| |
− | "Kyon-kun." | |
− | Asahina-san looked at me full of wonder.
| |
| |- | | |- |
− | |colspan=1|
| + | ! Полный русский<br> текст |
− | | + | ! Англо-русский<br> перевод |
− | ===6 страница===
| + | ! Харучанский<br> перевод |
| + | ! Яп.-англ.<br> билингва |
| + | ! Перевод |
| + | ! Редактирование |
| + | ! Сверка с<br> японским |
| |- | | |- |
| + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Иллюстрации|Иллюстрации]] |
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| | | | | |
− | |"I still don't get it. Why did your request go through so quickly? Furthermore, my boss even
| |
− | commanded me to take Nagato-san too, it has to be the three of us...... and when I asked him
| |
− | what the outcome would be, he only said that it was top-secret. And...... he even said I had to
| |
− | follow your orders. Why?"
| |
− | "I'll tell you in Nagato's room."
| |
− | As I said this, I entered Nagato's room number into the machine by the door and rang the
| |
− | doorbell. There was a response immediately.
| |
− | "......"
| |
− | "It's me."
| |
− | "Enter."
| |
− | The door opened, I walked in. Ah, I can't forget Asahina-san, she's still baffled. After I waved to
| |
− | her, she seemed to wake up and hurried to catch up with me. Every single time we come here,
| |
− | she's scared. It's almost like it's her habit now. In the elevator, Asahina-san was turning over and
| |
− | thinking about many questions. She looked quite nervous, but also puzzled.
| |
− | That expression didn't change, even after Nagato opened the door and ushered us in.
| |
− | Nagato looked like she not only had time, but was very composed about everything too. She was
| |
− | in her apartment, but had already changed into that familiar sailor uniform. Reflecting, I feel that
| |
− | this appearance was especially comforting. I think this, not because I secretly have a sailor fetish,
| |
− | but because this person could fully understand the feeling of serenity in my heart.
| |
− | That time, when I saw a short-haired person wearing a sailor uniform holding a knife, as I was
| |
− | losing consciousness.
| |
− | If Nagato were to wear something else, I would probably feel very uncomfortable. I know I
| |
− | would still recognize her, but this sailor uniform has nearly become her trademark.
| |
− | "......"
| |
− | Without speaking, Nagato pointed to the room, suggesting that we should sit down. Then she
| |
− | walked to the kitchen to make some tea.
| |
− | So, I used this time to outline the basic details for Asahina-san.
| |
− | "I don't believe it......"
| |
− | Asahina-san's eyes were wide as plates as she muttered.
| |
− | "What history was changed, how can it be, I didn't feel a thing......"
| |
− | |-
| |
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− | ===7 страница===
| |
− | |-
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| |
− | |That's not a surprise. No matter how I look at it, the only one with a clear memory of those three
| |
− | days is me. That me could not have done anything if it weren't for Nagato's hints and amazing
| |
− | ability to act.
| |
− | "A worldwide time-space change and direct interference with the future...... these things
| |
− | coincidentally happened at the same time."
| |
− | Asahina-san's voice trembled, her gaze drifting away. The table now had three cups of tea. It was
| |
− | tea Nagato had steeped for us, and she cut in on my explanations to Asahina-san once in a while.
| |
− | "Really."
| |
− | Asahina-san was very startled by these comments, and her tea was untouched, it's probably cold
| |
− | already.
| |
− | "......"
| |
− | Nagato expressionlessly stared at Asahina-san, then shifted her unreadable gaze onto me, and
| |
− | then turned back to Asahina-san.
| |
− | I think I know what Nagato wants to say. I had told Asahina-san that it was because Nagato had
| |
− | set things in motion, so the world changed on December the eighteenth. It was lucky that the
| |
− | Emergency Escape Program had worked, and I had returned to the Tanabata four years ago. But
| |
− | this resulted in Asakura Ryoko attempting to assassinate me, fortunately a failed attempt. Before
| |
− | fainting, I saw myself, Nagato and Asahina-san, seemingly from the future, restore the world to
| |
− | its original state. Only saying this, she might not understand what the hell is going on, so Nagato
| |
− | wants to add some footnotes.
| |
− | Considering this wasn't all the information. The Tanabata four years ago also had an Asahina-san
| |
− | (Big) waiting for us. I still hadn't told her this, since I don't know if telling her would be good or
| |
− | bad. The Asahina-san now doesn't know anything. In other words, Asahina-san (Big) is hiding
| |
− | something from her.
| |
− | This Asahina-san seems to be communicating with the future on a regular basis, so if it were
| |
− | important, someone, even if it wasn't Asahina-san (Big), maybe her boss or someone even higher
| |
− | up, someone would probably tell her. Hey, I don't know how time travelers communicate.
| |
− | But I can mostly tell what happened. "When I asked him what the outcome is, he only said that it
| |
− | was a secret." were her words exactly.
| |
− | Asahina-san probably doesn't know anything, because no one is telling her.
| |
− | I don't know the reasons for this, but if I think about it, it seems about right. As a time traveler,
| |
− | she's kind of unprepared — that’s what I've thought before. Almost falling into an endless
| |
− | August, the mysterious mansion...... and if Asahina-san had given advice from the future before
| |
− | this kind of event, it would have been avoidable, but she didn't. Why?
| |
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− | ===8 страница===
| |
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| | | | | |
− | |Nod. I see.
| |
− | If Asahina-san (Big) doesn't know anything, it would be too weird, because she, in the past —
| |
− | Asahina-san now — has already done these things. So, if these events and adventures were
| |
− | avoided, her future history would change. So it is required that, no matter what, we have to go
| |
− | through these things.
| |
− | This is all my theory, and the result is that we will all end up helpless to change anything, like
| |
− | Nagato.
| |
− | But since it's like this, isn't Asahina-san quite pitiable? Every time something happens, she'll
| |
− | always be scared to death. The number of times she's been shocked may even surpass the number
| |
− | of times I, a person from this time, have been startled. Moreover, Asahina-san's reasons for
| |
− | coming to the present are very suspicious. If it was only Haruhi that needed to be under
| |
− | surveillance, an anti-theft video camera could do the job.
| |
− | There has to be a real reason. Asahina-san herself does not know. But, the her a little while into
| |
− | the future does seem to know......
| |
− | Lost in thought, I heard a cold, crisp voice.
| |
− | "I want you to do something for me."
| |
− | Since it's Nagato, I would do almost anything that she asks.
| |
− | "Please don't say anything to the me in the time we are visiting."
| |
− | Any talk at all? Do "Um" and "Ah" count too?
| |
− | "If it's possible."
| |
− | Nagato's normally expressionless eyes showed her thoughts, for once. Her black pupils showed
| |
− | that this was really a passionate wish. For me to reject this request, it would be akin to trying to
| |
− | catch the moon in the lake.
| |
− | "Got it. Since you said it like this, I'll find a way."
| |
− | The head that always has short hair nodded, slightly.
| |
− | Nagato, whose instructions were used to iron out the details of time and space, and Asahina-san,
| |
− | who was the faithful executor, made up this team of Aliens and Time Travelers. No matter how
| |
− | big Koizumi's Agency is, they have no chance of winning. Except I'm not sure if they even plan
| |
− | on fighting.
| |
− | Nagato, Asahina-san and I went to the entrance to put on our shoes. In that cramped space, we
| |
− | crowded and squeezed together. Last month, when I went with Asahina-san (Big), I had
| |
− | forgotten my shoes.
| |
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− | ===9 страница===
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| | | | | |
− | |That lesson reappeared clearly before me now. Her high heels were in the
| |
− | exact same place they were four years ago, obviously the work of Nagato. It's not like I can
| |
− | return them to this Asahina-san, so I guess I'll just ignore them.
| |
− | "Um, December the eighteenth... what time?"
| |
− | Nagato's answer was exact to the second; Asahina-san nodded her head.
| |
− | "We're going now. Kyon-kun, close your eyes. "
| |
− | And — —
| |
− | Time moved. That very familiar dizzy feeling that makes me want to puke. Even though my eyes
| |
− | are closed, it feels like something is flashing. It's comparable to staring at the sky and ascending,
| |
− | along with that unpleasant feeling of rising fast and losing track of what's up and what's down.
| |
− | Just like riding on an out-of-control roller coaster and being thrown around ten times, losing
| |
− | focus and feeling very weird, I was almost at my limit...
| |
− | My soles finally landed on the ground again. The gravity pulling me down feels so comfortable.
| |
− | "We're here."
| |
− | Nagato said softly.
| |
− | I opened my eyes gingerly, and was startled.
| |
− | I found myself standing in front of the school gates.
| |
− | I quickly tried to remember what happened before. On Tanabata four years ago, I came through
| |
− | time on the direction of the Nagato still in "Standby Mode". Coming back to the eighteenth with
| |
− | Asahina-san, I had gazed at the black world Nagato had created and walked under a street
| |
− | light......
| |
− | ......and we had landed in the middle of all that.
| |
− | That "Me", changing himself as the world changed, was saying something to a Nagato with
| |
− | glasses on. I can even see the shadow of Asahina-san wearing my jacket. This isn't too good,
| |
− | because no matter how you look at it, this is just way too close.
| |
− | "Don't worry."
| |
− | Our Nagato said in monotone.
| |
− | "They can't see us. A soundproof barrier has been set up."
| |
| |- | | |- |
− | |colspan=1| | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Пролог (ru)| Пролог]] |
− | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Пролог|Пролог]] |
− | ===10 страница=== | + | | [http://haruchan.wikidot.com/vol7ch0 vol7ch0] |
| + | | [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ar-7Gfwe5wFhdEhiajlNT0RyaUNTWEFfa2RlaW9yVHc&hl=en 7-0] |
| + | | Переведено |
| + | | Закончено - 100% |
| + | | Сверено 9 стр. |
| |- | | |- |
− | | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 1 (ru)|Глава 1]] |
− | |That means, to "Me", Asahina-san and Nagato (with glasses), we're just soundless, transparent
| + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 1|Глава 1]] |
− | people. This doesn't need clarification from Nagato, because she's here with us. Pity.
| + | | [http://haruchan.wikidot.com/vol7ch1 vol7ch1] |
− | Asahina-san was blinking non-stop.
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия Харухи 7-1 (ja-en)|7-1]] |
− | "Um...... who's that girl? It's an adult, why is she here?"
| + | | Переведено |
− | From here, they're only silhouettes. As expected, Asahina-san doesn't get it. If she could imagine
| + | | В процессе - 96% |
− | that her future self would appear here, it would be too unnerving. As I was contemplating
| + | | Не сверено |
− | whether or not to tell her, something happened that made that thought disappear like dust in the
| |
− | wind. Even though I knew it was coming, it still gave me goose bumps watching it as a spectator.
| |
− | Suddenly, someone appeared from the shadows. It passed softly by us and by the time I realized
| |
− | that it was Asakura Ryoko, she was already running, no, charging at "us". Her knife was at her
| |
− | waist as she charged us in a hostile fashion.
| |
− | Asahina-san (Big) yelled something, but it was too late, "I" had been stabbed, just like I
| |
− | remember.
| |
− | "Ohh."
| |
− | That looked painful. I didn't notice it before, but when Asakura is waving that knife around, she's
| |
− | very detestable. Full of bloodlust, she stuck the knife into "my" body without hesitation. Luckily,
| |
− | Asakura Ryoko can only be convicted of attempted murder.
| |
− | "I" fell.
| |
− | "Eh...... Oh! Kyon-kun!"
| |
− | Asahina-san started yelling too, and she started to run to "Me". "Ah......!" as she immediately ran
| |
− | into the invisible wall, and she stopped, looking on miserably. I think she's forgotten I'm right
| |
− | beside her in the heat of the moment. Her eyes only saw "Me", and I still don't know if I should
| |
− | be pleased or jealous.
| |
− | "Nagato-san!"
| |
− | Looking at Asahina-san, Nagato bobbed her head.
| |
− | "The barrier's dissolved...... It ends now."
| |
− | Asahina-san ran over, Nagato also started working. Faster than the night wind, she grabbed
| |
− | Asakura's knife right away. Asakura's yell rang out, a mixture of hate and fright. I also ran
| |
− | towards the old me. Oh, great, now "I" look horrible.
| |
− | Asahina-san was crying while she held "Me" in her arms. Since she's worried about me, I'm
| |
− | really happy. But hanging there, I wouldn't mind if I died.
| |
| |- | | |- |
− | |colspan=1| | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 2 (ru)|Глава 2]] |
− | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 2|Глава 2]] |
− | ===11 страница===
| + | | [http://haruchan.wikidot.com/vol7ch2 vol7ch2] |
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия Харухи 7-2 (ja-en)|7-2]] |
| + | | Переведено |
| + | | В процессе - 90% |
| + | | Не сверено |
| |- | | |- |
− | | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 3 (ru)|Глава 3]] |
− | |She tearfully cried for "Me" as if her life depended on it, completely ignoring everyone else. I | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 3|Глава 3]] |
− | really want to thank her.
| + | | [http://haruchan.wikidot.com/vol7ch3 vol7ch3] |
− | Painfully, Asahina-san (Big) moved her gaze from the ground up and stared at me.
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия Харухи 7-3 (ja-en)|7-3]] |
− | "You're here."
| + | | Переведено |
− | But I'm a bit late, not as in time late, but mood-wise.
| + | | В процессе - 90% |
− | "......Hey......"
| + | | Не сверено |
− | This sound was Nagato from my memory. The someone running around that was hurting my
| |
− | heart. The Nagato with glasses had fallen down, and was sitting there with a look of alarm on her
| |
− | face. Those dark eyes’ gaze moved from the fallen "Me" to Asakura, then to the person wearing
| |
− | the same sailor uniform as her, then onto me.
| |
− | "Wh...... y......"
| |
− | I have an agreement with my Nagato. So, I cannot talk to this other Nagato, the one that just
| |
− | finished changing the world. There is only one thing I have to say or do.
| |
− | Picking up the gun that Nagato had made three years ago, I looked at "Me". To say what I heard
| |
− | before, I opened my mouth and said what I remembered. This should work, because as long as it
| |
− | mostly fits, a little bit of difference is allowed. That "Me" completely closed his almost-closed
| |
− | eyes, falling to one side. This fainting scene was very exciting, it looked like "I" died. But if no
| |
− | one stops the blood, "I" would really die.
| |
− | Then, from now on, it's all up to us. Even I don't know what will happen after.
| |
− | The first thing I see is my Nagato stopping Asakura.
| |
− | "......"
| |
− | The knife Nagato was holding onto glowed as it turned to dust. Asakura wanted to run away but
| |
− | couldn't move, as if her feet were glued to the ground. Nagato was speaking very fast.
| |
− | "Wh, Why? You......"
| |
− | Asakura's body was also shining now.
| |
− | "Isn't this what you wanted...... Today too...... Why......"
| |
− | The unmoving Asakura asked one last question, and then disintegrated like a knife just cut her
| |
− | into pieces. At the same time,
| |
− | "Ah?......"
| |
| |- | | |- |
− | |colspan=1| | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 4 (ru)|Глава 4]] |
− | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 4|Глава 4]] |
− | ===12 страница===
| + | | [http://haruchan.wikidot.com/vol7ch4 vol7ch4] |
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия Харухи 7-4 (ja-en)|7-4]] |
| + | | Переведено |
| + | | В процессе - 60% |
| + | | Не сверено |
| |- | | |- |
− | | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 5 (ru)|Глава 5]] |
− | |Asahina-san (Small) toppled over, looking like she was bending over my body. The softly closed
| + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 5|Глава 5]] |
− | eyes and the slightly open mouth said she was asleep.
| + | | |
− | Asahina-san's (Big) hand gently caresses the dead-tired senpai's neck.
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия_Харухи_7-5_(ja-en)|7-5]] |
− | "I put her to sleep."
| + | | Переведено |
− | The adult Asahina-san stroked her young self's hair sadly.
| + | | Не отредактировано |
− | "I can't let her know I'm here. I had to do this."
| + | | Не сверено |
− | Asahina-san sleeps very cutely, using "my" hand as a pillow.
| |
− | "Don't tell her about me."
| |
− | This sleeping face is the same as the one from Tanabata three years ago, as the one on the bench
| |
− | in the park, the reason is exactly the same too, Asahina-san (Big) doesn't want the her from the
| |
− | past see what she looks like. The back is fine, but if she walks closer, Asahina-san is not allowed
| |
− | to see Asahina-san (Big).
| |
− | I gazed at the unconscious Asahina-san and at "Me".
| |
− | "......"
| |
− | My Nagato knelt and leaned over, putting her hand to the abdomen of the "Me" that got stabbed.
| |
− | It's a good thing she did. Anyway, the blood stopped, and "my" pale face finally looked like a
| |
− | normal human's. So, the person who healed me was her.
| |
− | Nagato casually stood up and, without wiping the blood off her finger, reached her hand out and
| |
− | said,
| |
− | "Lend it to me."
| |
− | I didn't say anything, and just gave her the gun. I haven't held it in a long time, and was glad to
| |
− | give it up. If anything happens, this can be used as a threat I suppose. But no matter what, I won't
| |
− | shoot any Nagato with it.
| |
− | The gun-wielding Nagato points the gun at the Nagato with glasses sitting on the ground, who
| |
− | had been timid all along. She nonchalantly cocks and fires it.
| |
− | Nagato (with glasses) started shining as she slowly stood up. That stick-like posture was the
| |
− | posture of the Nagato I was familiar with. Completely different from when she gave me an
| |
− | application form, or when she awkwardly pulled on my sleeve while crying, different from that
| |
− | shy, slightly smiling person.
| |
| |- | | |- |
− | |colspan=1| | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 6 (ru)|Глава 6]] |
− | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 6|Глава 6]] |
− | ===13 страница===
| + | | [http://haruchan.wikidot.com/vol7ch6 vol7ch6] |
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия Харухи 7-6 (ja-en)|7-6]] |
| + | | Переведено |
| + | | Редактируется |
| + | | Не сверено |
| |- | | |- |
− | | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 7 (ru)|Глава 7]] |
− | |Like she was proving it to me, that Nagato took off her glasses and, after staring at me, locked | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Глава 7|Глава 7]] |
− | her cold gaze onto the other her and said,
| + | | |
− | "Request synchronization."
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия_Харухи_7-7_(ja-en)|7-7]] |
− | The two Nagatos stared at each other. Counting this time, I have already seen "Me" several times
| + | | Переведено |
− | before. Both Asahina-sans have also been around each other many times. But, this is the first
| + | | Не отредактировано |
− | time there has been more than one Nagato at a time. It makes me feel odd. Quite a magnificent
| + | | Не сверено |
− | sight.
| |
− | "Request synchronization."
| |
− | The Nagato that was shot repeated, the Nagato that shot immediately replied.
| |
− | "Denied."
| |
− | Even I found this odd, let alone the Nagato holding glasses in her hand. Her eyebrows may have
| |
− | moved.
| |
− | "Why?"
| |
− | "Because I don't want to."
| |
− | I'm astonished. Completely flabbergasted. Has anything this clear ever come out of Nagato's
| |
− | mouth before? This isn't an excuse. This explicit denial proves she has emotions, no doubt about
| |
− | it.
| |
− | "......"
| |
− | The other Nagato, seemingly lost in thought, quieted.
| |
− | "......"
| |
− | She's as silent as before, as the night wind blows her hair around.
| |
− | I gently said to the Nagato from the past,
| |
− | "Go change the world back to its former state."
| |
− | "Understood."
| |
− | That Nagato nodded, and said, in a slightly hesitating voice that only I could understand,
| |
− | "Unable to sense the existence of the Integrated Data Sentient Entity."
| |
− | "It's not here."
| |
| |- | | |- |
− | |colspan=1| | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Эпилог (ru)|Эпилог]] |
− | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Эпилог|Эпилог]] |
− | ===14 страница===
| + | | [http://haruchan.wikidot.com/vol7ch8 vol7ch8] |
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия_Харухи_7-8_(ja-en)|7-8]] |
| + | | Переведено |
| + | | Отредактировано |
| + | | Не сверено |
| |- | | |- |
− | | | + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Авторское послесловие (ru)|Авторское<br> послесловие]] |
− | |My Nagato faintly said,
| + | | [[/Судзумия Харухи/Том 7/Авторское послесловие|Авторское<br> послесловие]] |
− | "I am still connected to the time and space I am from, let me do the second adjustment. "
| + | | |
− | "Understood." Said the Nagato from the past.
| + | | [[Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия_Харухи_7-9_(ja-en)|7-9]] |
− | "After the transformation,"
| + | | Переведено |
− | My Nagato said,
| + | | Не отредактировано |
− | "You can move according to your own wishes."
| + | | Не сверено |
− | The Nagato that was just reverted looks at me, her head tilted. Unperceivable data appears in that
| + | |} |
− | expression and gaze, but I can read it, no one is more clear than I as to what Nagato wants to say.
| |
− | This Nagato is that Nagato. The Nagato that appeared at the hospital that night. The one that said
| |
− | her own punishment was being debated and annoying the shit out of me.
| |
− | I also understand why the Nagato from the future has rejected synchronization. Nagato doesn't
| |
− | want that her to tell this her what she has to do.
| |
− | Why? — Why ask why, that's something that's not obvious to see.
| |
− | Thank you. — That time I heard Nagato say this as the answer.
| |
− | "Kyon-kun?"
| |
− | Asahina-san spoke cautiously to the still standing me.
| |
− | "This child...... Can you take care of her?"
| |
− | She started to pick up the heavy-looking, peacefully-sleeping Asahina-san (Small). I
| |
− | immediately went to help, and, following her directions, piggy-backed the slender Asahina-san
| |
− | like before. She's even as soft and warm as in my memory.
| |
− | "A large-scale time-quake will be happening shortly,"
| |
− | Asahina-san (Big) said, hugging her arms, her very serious face showing sharp anxiety.
| |
− | "Compared with the one Nagato-san did just now, this one is even more complicated and
| |
− | significant. Opening your eyes, even if you wanted to, would be extremely hard."
| |
− | Since it's you that's saying this, of course I believe you, but what difference does this make?
| |
− | "The first change was only meant to start the process. In this one, we need to make time turn
| |
− | back to its original flow. Think for a second about where you woke up."
| |
− | |- | |
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− | ===15 страница===
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− | |The evening of December the eighteenth, I went into the hospital where I later woke up.
| |
− | "Yes. So, we must make this turn into that."
| |
− | Barefoot, with my jacket over her shoulder, Asahina-san (Big) slowly and quietly walked over.
| |
− | One of Asahina-san's (Big) hands went to Asahina-san's (Small) shoulder as she turned her head
| |
− | around and looked at Nagato. The Nagato that came here with me walked over to join us. There
| |
− | was still someone remaining like they originally were; the fallen "Me" was still lying there.
| |
− | Asahina-san (Big) reached out and grabbed Nagato with her free hand.
| |
− | "It's up to you, Nagato-san."
| |
− | Nagato lightly nodded her head, then stared at herself, as if they were never going to meet again.
| |
− | The other Nagato didn't say a word. It might have been my imagination, but she looked very
| |
− | lonely. No worries. I still remember what I said then. That "Me" right there will talk to you soon
| |
− | enough. That punk will say this, for certain, so come visit with a clear conscience. Don't forget to
| |
− | call your boss a 'bastard' for me.
| |
− | "Close your eyes, Kyon-kun,"
| |
− | Asahina-san (Big) said softly,
| |
− | "Don't get time-sick."
| |
− | I followed her advice, closing my eyes tightly.
| |
− | The next moment, I feel the world tremble.
| |
− | "Uwah — —"
| |
− | Falling heads over heels and revolving in a no-gravity zone is something I have experienced
| |
− | many times before. Even though I think I'm used to these sensations, this time is vastly different
| |
− | from all the other times. If all the other times were like riding a roller-coaster in an amusement
| |
− | park, this is a noisy, anarchic space shuttle I'm randomly flying about in without a seat belt. But,
| |
− | since my body has no mass, it is actually not being twirled around. This is just dizziness. Despite
| |
− | the fact that I want to see what the outside looks like, as soon as I open my eyes, it's really like
| |
− | being dead drunk, very scary. The only movie I get to see is the random bits of light that came
| |
− | through my eyelids, lighting up the dark. The warmth of Asahina-san (Small) on my back and
| |
− | the feeling of Asahina-san's (Big) hand on my shoulder are both very comforting.
| |
− | — — I feel a waning light stabbing at my closed eyes.
| |
− | Because I can't resist the desire to look, I open my eyes, and see where the red light is, in reality,
| |
− | coming from. Revolving red lights are something only emergency vehicles have.
| |
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| |
− | |What......?
| |
− | An ambulance stood directly in front of North High's gates. Students who like action looked on
| |
− | from a distance while emergency personnel lifted someone onto a stretcher. There were two
| |
− | people following this stretcher at its high speed, two girls in fact, and I will never forget their
| |
− | names my entire life. Haruhi's pale face looked frightened, Asahina-san was crying and very sad,
| |
− | running after the stretcher. Shortly after, an unsmiling Koizumi chased after them.
| |
− | The stretcher was immediately put into the ambulance, and Haruhi, after exchanging a few words
| |
− | with the personnel, got in too. The red lights started flashing again, and the ambulance began to
| |
− | move. Koizumi, standing beside Asahina-san who was covering her eyes, looked very serious as
| |
− | he talked on his cell phone. Nagato wasn't there, but that was obvious.
| |
− | My dizziness still hadn't gone away. To tell the truth, I wasn't even sure where my body was at
| |
− | the moment.
| |
− | Some part of my body felt Asahina-san (Big) let out a huge sigh.
| |
− | "Kyon-kun, now we'll return to the original time."
| |
− | The movie I was watching gradually disappeared. Has the service been cut? I'll give you
| |
− | something to see. Like during my three-day long memory loss, it's a brigade leader's
| |
− | responsibility to worry about the members, that's the way it is, Haruhi.
| |
− | The dizziness started again, I really want to take some pills. Next time, I must prepare some
| |
− | beforehand.
| |
− | "Aim at the time you came from. Follow that me. It will take her a while to wake up...... Fufu,
| |
− | Maybe I'll let you kiss me."
| |
− | And with that joke, I felt Asahina-san (Big) gradually fade away.
| |
− | And — —
| |
− | When I open my eyes, I'm standing in Nagato's living room with Asahina-san on my back.
| |
− | Nagato is standing facing me.
| |
− | "Sixty-two seconds have passed since we departed."
| |
− | Lifting her head to look at me, she said,
| |
− | "We're back."
| |
− | Back to our own time and world.
| |
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| |
− | |I sighed and put Asahina-san down off my shoulders. She's really the best nominee for a 'Makepeople-
| |
− | want-to-kiss-your-sleeping-face' contest. The “Me” that believes everything Asahina-san
| |
− | said is very impure. If this wasn't Nagato's room, or she wasn't staring at me like she's
| |
− | investigating me, it's possible I might throw away feelings of shame. No, I wouldn't do that. I
| |
− | wouldn't.
| |
− | Picking up the teacup on the table, I downed it in one gulp. Even though when we left the tea
| |
− | was already cool, this tasted great. It's kind of like drinking tea after taking a bath. It can also be
| |
− | compared to Asahina-san's tea.
| |
− | ‘’Sigh’’ "Oh man..."
| |
− | Finally, I've finished everything from last year that needed sorting out. There shouldn't be
| |
− | anything we haven't finished. With the chapter on the world changing closed at last, the winter
| |
− | trip that crossed into this year is definitely finished, the only thing left is going to the temples and
| |
− | shrines for the first time this year. Meh, Haruhi will come up with something new in a little bit.
| |
− | Before that happens, these days should be quite quiet.
| |
− | By the way, the angel-like time traveler is still not awake. I don't know what kind of magic was
| |
− | used on her, but she looks just like Shamisen in a warm room after being fed. Being put into this
| |
− | sleep that looks very happy, it's actually somewhat pitiable. I asked Nagato to put bedding on the
| |
− | ground, and placed Asahina-san down to sleep on it, putting a wool blanket and a quilt on top.
| |
− | "Nagato, before Asahina-san wakes up, please take care of her."
| |
− | Nagato regarded the sleeping visitor, then shot a look at me and nodded her head.
| |
− | Although I woke up ready for action, I am now actually really tired. The accumulated tiredness
| |
− | from the vacation and the time travel, if not taken care of with a bath and bed, will prevent me
| |
− | from getting up tomorrow at nine. My very limited reserves are slowly disappearing, like an
| |
− | ordinary miracle. I want that to stop. You could say what five people do in a month is small in
| |
− | comparison with what I've gone through.
| |
− | Not unlike the Tanabata when I started being Mr. Sleep-for-Three-Years, I could let her put a
| |
− | blanket on me with Asahina-san. But even though I have confidence that I will fall asleep once I
| |
− | lie down, I can't help but think that nobody would wish for that to happen.
| |
− | A time traveler occasionally sleeping at an alien's house, that's not too bad.
| |
− | "See you tomorrow."
| |
− | "Understood."
| |
− | Using her very calming gaze, Nagato expressionlessly stared at me. Her two serene pupils under
| |
− | her bangs stared fixedly at me.
| |
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− | |"Thanks for your work today. Sorry I made you go through all that."
| |
− | Same with Asahina-san. The person who did the most work would be this Nagato and the Nagato
| |
− | that was there at the Tanabata four years ago.
| |
− | "No problem."
| |
− | Her expression unchanged,
| |
− | "This all started because of me."
| |
− | I stared at the alien until the door closed tightly. Earlier, I had wondered whether a smile would
| |
− | show up on her face, regrettably not — or very comforting, since the delicate, fair face is
| |
− | impassive as usual. But I thought there was something different from the past, thank my skilled
| |
− | eyes for noticing that.
| |
− | Coming out of the apartment, I slowly rode my bike home, and fell asleep as soon as I lay on my
| |
− | bed after getting there.
| |
− | I feel that if you fall asleep when you're really tired, you will have a whole lot of weird, happy
| |
− | dreams. Thirty seconds after I woke up, I forgot everything about the dream, but the lingering
| |
− | mood told me everything I needed to know.
| |
− | A time traveler and an alien peacefully steeping tea together will leave this kind of a mood.
| |
− | So, just like putting Asahina-san down off my shoulders, I threw off all worries and lived calmly
| |
− | for a month.
| |
− | But there was still a problem.
| |
− | After seeing that extremely cute face, this problem had slipped my mind; but even though she
| |
− | fell asleep, Asahina-san wouldn't forget what Nagato and I, along with Asahina-san (Big) went
| |
− | through on December the eighteenth. From her point of view, she had just heard from me that
| |
− | time and space had been changed and had not known whether to believe it or not. After going
| |
− | back in time to see the horrid scene in which "I" got stabbed, she got put to sleep. After she woke
| |
− | up, did she want to go back? — That's the problem.
| |
− | From my point of view, she'd already completed her mission very well, since what she did only
| |
− | she could do. Except Asahina-san didn't see it like that. Now that I think about it, not long after
| |
− | the end of the vacation, Asahina-san became very absent-minded and lost in thought.
| |
− | This and that Sunday Asahina-san who called me out melancholically are connected in some
| |
− | way. She even saved a kid wearing glasses from an auto accident that day. Actually, Asahinasan's
| |
− | (Big) secrecy has an interesting implication. Whoever makes Asahina-san cry deserves to
| |
− | be beat to a pulp; this is indisputable. After reflecting for a while, I wondered how many times
| |
− | I've made Asahina-san cry?
| |
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− | ===19 страница===
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| |
− | |Next time I go to a boxing practice ring with Haruhi, I'll practice
| |
− | some boxing. I can even enjoy the sensation of hitting people and being hit.
| |
− | To cut a long story short, it's a good thing that Sunday when two people went to buy tea
| |
− | happened. It got me thinking about the future of the SOS Brigade, and it successfully lifted
| |
− | Asahina-san's depression. To tell you the truth, I don't know what she perceived, but we seem to
| |
− | have a mutual understanding. There's no point explaining it in detail, especially not to Asahinasan
| |
− | now.
| |
− | I never mention John Smith in front of Haruhi. This is somewhat like me not telling Asahina-san
| |
− | about the adult Asahina-san; it has a similar meaning. This is the emergency trump card.
| |
− | If the time comes — —
| |
− | Well, I don't want that time to come.
| |
− | ...
| |
− | ......
| |
− | .........
| |
− | And as February began, the topic started to show up again.
| |
− | As soon as the new year arrived, the atmosphere around the school changed. For example, you
| |
− | will almost never see a third-year anymore. Around this time, they are all getting prepared for
| |
− | tests and whatnot, maybe this is the reason, but even the mood in homeroom was much more
| |
− | tense. As I think back to last year, it obviously does affect me. If the third-years don't work
| |
− | attentively, and the marks do not surpass the competitive schools in the district, the principal will
| |
− | fretfully request everyone to enroll in extra courses or sacrifice the school cultural festival for
| |
− | mock tests and the like. And since I have to do this after two years, it's very depressing.
| |
− | Talking about tests, the tests that determine your class number are about to begin. Our school has
| |
− | two of them. Actually, class nine, which Koizumi's in, is Math/Physics. I'm not sure whether he
| |
− | just has connections or is naturally smart, I'm still amazed he managed to transfer in. I sure don't
| |
− | take Math and Physics seriously enough to make them my principle courses.
| |
− | Temporarily moving my thoughts from the future to the present hell, University admission tests.
| |
− | Why can't the quickly counting down senior days go by slower? I am purposely not looking at
| |
− | the calendar. Since I got back from December the eighteenth, I have been carefree and relaxed.
| |
− | All in all, I can't think of a more dangerous job than fixing time and space. Since I completed it
| |
− | smoothly, just let me rest for a little while. Nagato is now exactly the same as before. Asahinasan's
| |
− | smiling face has finally come back. Haruhi is a bit unusual, but she'll be back to her noisy
| |
− | self in no time at all.
| |
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− | ===20 страница===
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− | |At this point, there shouldn't be any problems at all. I might as well say I don't want to think
| |
− | about it. But, in the club room, a selfish person just has to bring up trivial matters and deem it
| |
− | important all by himself. He is the only brigade member to be cast aside with Haruhi, the useless
| |
− | during a time-space change esper, Koizumi.
| |
− | "There are two December the eighteenths you frequently visit, interesting."
| |
− | After the incident at the mysterious mansion, Koizumi has enjoyed listening to the experiences
| |
− | I've had with time travel. Just like a smart little grandson wanting a story out of his grandparents,
| |
− | Koizumi has already asked and inquired many times before. He seems to really want to travel in
| |
− | time. I always feel like he envies me. I mean, on the way back from Tsuruya-san's, he was
| |
− | heartily asking "Can I go too?" and "I don't even care if I can’t see the past me." and stuff like
| |
− | that. Needless to say, I completely ignore him.
| |
− | I am embarrassed because of the Nagato thing, so even though everything is over, I still talk
| |
− | obscurely about it. Finally, I cannot deter Koizumi any longer and, not wishing to offend him too
| |
− | much, told him about the incident.
| |
− | So, just as I had expected, he started to explain cheerfully.
| |
− | "You see, this all started when Nagato-san changed the world on the dawn of December the
| |
− | eighteenth. In that world, I, Suzumiya-san and Asahina-san were all normal people. You spent
| |
− | three days there, then you went three years back in Nagato-san's Emergency Escape Program......
| |
− | No, wait, four years now...... There you met the normal Nagato-san and went back once again to
| |
− | dawn on December the eighteenth."
| |
− | Yes I know that. I’ve been there again recently, you know.
| |
− | "Okay, think about this. Dawn of December the eighteenth. Let’s label the time that Nagato-san
| |
− | changed the world as 'X'. When you went from Tanabata four years ago to 'X', that 'X' already
| |
− | wasn't the original 'X'."
| |
− | What? That's impossible. There can't be more than one 'time' at a time.
| |
− | "No, that's just the way our minds work. It's simple, really. If the world had not changed at 'X',
| |
− | Suzumiya-san wouldn't have disappeared and I wouldn't have become a normal person. If that
| |
− | were the case, you would have no reason to go back."
| |
− | An ontological paradox. Yes, I know of those.
| |
− | "But this world requires you to go back in time to fix it. If you didn't go, the world would have
| |
− | continued on its wrong path. So you went back to the past, and righted the world. Otherwise this
| |
− | time would not exist."
| |
− | "Let's draw a diagram. That might help."
| |
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− | |Ever since the snow mountain incident, Koizumi likes diagrams a lot. Picking up a whiteboard
| |
− | marker, he starts to trace a line down the whiteboard.
| |
− | “Let’s say this line is the world going on its original course from the past to the future.”
| |
− | The line stops in the middle of the board. He draws a circle on it and labels it 'X'.
| |
− | "This is the original time. Here, Nagato-san changed the world she was in and your memories of
| |
− | that world begin.
| |
− | Koizumi begins drawing again. This time it isn't a straight line. It’s a very rounded line curving
| |
− | to the right, making a circle leading back to the 'X' point. The diagram now looks like a budding
| |
− | leaf with half ripped off.
| |
− | "This circle is the memory you have after the eighteenth. The Emergency Escape Program let
| |
− | you return to Tanabata four years ago, and from there you went to the eighteenth. If Nagato-san
| |
− | had been reverted right here, everything would have been fine, but it didn't work out like that I
| |
− | guess."
| |
− | Because Asakura Ryoko was there. But, at that time, it wasn't just Asakura who intervened.
| |
− | There was also a "Me" from the future, along with Nagato and Asahina-san (Small). We did
| |
− | everything in our power to revert the world to its former state. Now that I think about it, it took
| |
− | about a month.
| |
− | "That's it. Which means you saved yourself. That is —"
| |
− | Koizumi's pen started out from the 'X' point again, this time looping to the left,
| |
− | "— this part. The history of this world now. In the memory of Suzumiya-san and myself, you fell
| |
− | down the stairs on the eighteenth and lost consciousness, not waking up until the twenty-first.
| |
− | This was also two months ago, when you set out to save yourself."
| |
− | Even after drawing the left loop, Koizumi didn't stop the pen. He continued the line that ran
| |
− | through the 'X', only stopping when the line reached the bottom of the board. He put down the
| |
− | pen, took a half-step back, glanced at me and looked at the diagram intently.
| |
− | It was just a sideways eight, looking remarkably like an infinity sign ( � ), with a line down the
| |
− | middle. It’s very easy to understand like this. The point all the lines connect is the 'X' time.
| |
− | I, who had always earnestly told myself I hated Math and Physics, was slowly beginning to
| |
− | understand what Koizumi wanted to say.
| |
− | The right loop was the time from my memory. After a series of chaotic events, I managed to
| |
− | make it back to 'X' and was there when Nagato changed the world. I even got stabbed by
| |
− | Asakura.
| |
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