Обсуждение:Bagme bloma
Материал из LingvoWiki
Перейти к навигацииПерейти к поискуНеплохо бы перевод! Вадимий 12:58, 23 июня 2010 (UTC)
- Извольте:
- The birch bears fine leaves on shining boughs
- it grows pale green and glittering
- the flower of the trees in bloom
- fair-haired and supple-limbed
- the ruler of the mountain.
- The winds call, they shake gently
- she bends her boughs low in sport
- smooth, straight and white-barked
- trembling she speaks a language
- a bright token, a good mystery, blessing my people.
- Evening grows dark with clouds
- the lightning flashes, the fine leaves fly free
- but firm and faithful the white birch stands
- bare and waits, ruling the mountain.
- Осталось только выучить английский :)
- Hellerick 17:46, 23 июня 2010 (UTC)