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Версия от 22:10, 18 марта 2010; Hodzha (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Idea of human mova is very simple and clear. All human languages of the world are parts and dialects of one human language, which in different forms exists from very…»)
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Idea of human mova is very simple and clear. All human languages of the world are parts and dialects of one human language, which in different forms exists from very beginning of humanity on our planet. "Written" and "national" languages are simply forms of this language, standartized for need of one or another group of people. The human mova is the most beatiful language of the world. All existing literature are written in global mova. Human mova is also most long-living language, future belongs to it, because all people used it, use it and will use it. You are also using it now.

Ця мова - просто мова, на якій говорять люди. У цієї мови немає жодних наперед заданих правил, кожен може говорити так як вважає за потрібне. Всі мови світу, зокрема так звані "літературні" тобто писемні, з точки зору цієї мови - це не більш ніж окремі її говірки, діалекти.