Участник:Hellerick/Билингвы/Судзумия Харухи 7-5 (ja-en)
慣れない土建屋バイト(無償)をしたせいで上半身がところどころ筋肉痛になっている。ま、昨夜は変な夢を見ることなく心地よく熟睡できたからよしとしよう。 俺は封筒#3をコートの内ポケット奥にしまって玄関を出ると、タイヤの空気がヘタり気味のママチャリを引き出し、乾燥した冷風の吹く道を走り出した。うむ、今日も順調に寒い。 不法駐輪して業者に持ってかれるのも何なので、駅前に新しくできた駐輪所に金を払って自転車を預けてから、駅前の待ち合わせ場所に足を運ぶと例によって俺が一番最後だった。 朝比奈さんは新種の愛玩動物のような暖かそうな出で立ちで迎えてくれ、古泉はすれ違う女子中高生のうち五人に一人は振り返りそうなハンサムスマイル、長門は今日も制服の上にフード付きダッフルをまとった無口なサンドピープルスタイルである。 ピーコートにマフラーを巻いたハルヒが指鉄砲で俺に狙いをつけて、 「待ったわよ、キョン。三十秒も」 |
On the morning of the next day (Saturday)-
Because I was never really good at manual labor, I found my body aching all over, no thanks to Haruhi. Fortunately, I didn’t dream of anything weird last night, and due to that I had a nice, deep sleep. I placed letter #3 into the pocket of my outer coat and proceeded to fetch my bicycle. Cold winds blew through the streets, and it appeared that today would be a cold day too. Due to the rising incidents of illegal parking, the authorities had decided to build a whole new parking lot in front of the train station. Anyone could park their bicycles inside if they purchased a ticket. After parking my bicycle, I proceeded towards the station, and found out that, unsurprisingly, I was again the last one to arrive. Asahina-san looked like a new kind of adorable pet, wearing a warm, cozy outfit while waiting for my arrival. Koizumi wore one of those elegant smiles that was bound to get at least one out of five high school girls’ heads turning, and Nagato wore her sailor suit as usual, coupled with her cardigan and a hat, standing there quietly without uttering a word. With a scarf wrapped around her neck, Haruhi pointed her finger towards me and said, “We’ve been waiting for a long time, Kyon. Thirty seconds, to be exact.” |
「そりゃあ奢ってあげるわよ。あたしがドベになった日にはね。言っとくけどあたしはビリとかドン引きとか周回遅れとか予選落ちなんて言葉が一番嫌いなの。寝坊して遅れるくらいなら前日からここに泊まり込むくらいの意気込みはあるわよ」 勇ましい笑顔はとことん挑発的だ。もうまったく、今のハルヒにはどんな巨大な敵も太刀打ちできそうにない。こんなことならブルーな時に何かしとけばよかったぜ。ところで過去を振り返って、やんなきゃよかったと思う後悔とやっとけばよかったという後悔とではどちらが尾を引くのかね。 などと、考えたところでどうしようもないことを考えているうちに、俺はハルヒに引きずられるようにしていつもの喫茶店に移動していた。 「昨日はなんにも見つかんなかったけど」とハルヒはホットブレンドをガブガブ飲みながら、「よーく考えたら、SOS団の探査目標は過去の遺産じゃなくてもっと不思議なものなのよね。何て言うの? 未来的なイメージなものというか、秘密っぽいものよ。この市内にだって一つくらいは何かあるでしょ。けっこう広いんだしさ」 面積の問題じゃないだろう。重要なのはどれだけ栄えてるかとか人口密度とか----。 「……やれやれだ」 やめた。都市の繁栄度も人間の数なんかも関係ないんだ。本当はな、ハルヒ。不思議なものは気づいたらいつの間にか近くに存在しているものなんだよ。それこそいつの間にかだったので、誰にも気づかれないうちにすべて進行してたりするのさ。 俺の場合、気づいたんじゃなくて気づかされたんだが、知ることができてよかったよ。それもお前が俺の席の後ろにいてくれたせい……いや、おかげだな。 などと、俺がナレーション的なモノローグに浸っているうちに、ハルヒはツマヨウジにボールペンで印を付けたクジを作り上げ、全員に引くように促した。 「一緒に行動する組み分けよ。印入りが二つと、ないのが三つね」 反射的に長門のほうを見てしまう。小柄な制服姿は無音でフルーツティーのカップを傾けつつ、メニューに静かな瞳を向けていた。おっと、これは勇み足だった。今日の初っぱなは無理に長門とコンビにならなくてもいいわけで、そういや朝比奈さんは何と言っていたっけ。 |
Oh that’s too bad. If only I had parked my bicycle somewhere else instead of in the new parking lot, it would be the first city-wide search where I wasn’t the last one to arrive. Or maybe I just wanted Haruhi to treat us.
“If that were the case, I would definitely treat all of you. But before that, let me make this clear: I do not like winding up last for anything, be it mock examinations, a race, or a meeting like this! I would rather sleep here overnight than be late.” Haruhi announced this with a big, energetic smile, like a knight eagerly awaiting a challenge. Indeed, the Haruhi before me looked as if she could knock down any foe before her while swinging a tachi. She should really learn to concentrate that overwhelming enthusiasm of hers into more useful endeavors. As I was thinking about what she could have done with her enthusiasm, Haruhi had already forcefully pulled me and the other brigade members to the coffee house. “Even though we didn’t find anything yesterday,” Haruhi said while chugging down her hot drink, “We should think about it for a moment. The SOS Brigade’s goal is not to find some ancient relic, but rather extraordinary events, like for instance some mysterious object left behind by a time traveler from the future. This town just reeks of time travelers! I’m sure we’ll be able to find something today!” Isn’t the town a little bit too big a scope? “It’s not a matter of how big the town is, but rather how advanced, how populated it is that time travelers will mostly take into consideration.” “…Just forget it.” I give up. What’s this have to do with how advanced a town is, or how heavily populated it is? Haruhi’s “extraordinary events” were those that didn’t appear on a schedule, and nobody knew when they would happen, or what they would be for that matter. Under these circumstances, all we could do was wait for the predetermined events to happen. From my point of view, I didn’t “discover” these extraordinary events, but was rather “forced to discover” these events instead. All I could do was do what I was told, and that’s all because… I mean, thanks, to you. As I was busy thinking back on what had happened during my past experiences, Haruhi had already marked the toothpicks with a ballpoint pen, and was ushering everyone to make their picks. “In order to speed things up, we’ll divide into two groups. There are two toothpicks with marks, and three without marks.” I instinctively looked at the sailor-suit clad Nagato, who was quietly sipping away at her fruit juice, while studying the menu before her. If I couldn’t be grouped together with Nagato, that was all right. |
「どうしたのよ、引きなさいよ」 ハルヒが五本のツマヨウジを握った拳を突き出している。 「そんなに組み合わせが気になるわけ? ふふーん、誰と一緒になりたいって? 子供みたいね、あんた」 そんな隣のお姉さんが悪ガキを見るような顔で笑うなよな。だが、考えてもラチが明かないことは確かでもある。朝比奈さんの未来予報は俺と古泉の二人で同組になることを教えてくれている。どの楊枝を引いても同じ結果が出るわけはない。印の入っている確率は五分の二、普通に計算すれば無印を引く可能性のほうが高く、で、もし印のないクジを引き当てちまったらどうなるんだ? 朝比奈さんの記憶違いってことでうまくまとまるのだろうか----。 などと考えているのが悪かった。ハルヒは沈思黙考する俺を放っておいて、さっさと他の三人にクジを引かせ、いざ俺の番になったとき残っているのは二本だけだった。 慌てて古泉の手元を確認する。優雅な手つきで持たれたクジの先には、印がちゃんとあった。これで引いていないのは俺とハルヒだけ、ハルヒはいつも残り福的に最後の一本を自分のクジにする習慣だから、後は俺のヒキにかかっているというわけである。 俺は目を閉じて深呼吸し、さらに十秒ほどハルヒの拳を見つめながら精神を統一させた。 「何やってんの? 大げさねえ」 呆れ口調のハルヒであるが、俺には割と重要な儀式なんだ。ここで帳尻を合わせておかないとゆくゆく面倒事になりかねないからな。 「ままよ!」 とばかりに俺は右手を高速移動させた。右か左かなんてチラとも思わず、適当に手を動かして触ったほうを引こうと試みたわけだったが、あまりうまくはいかなかった。あまりに適当すぎたようだ。俺はハルヒの手からツマヨウジを二本ともはじき飛ばしてしまい、しまったと思ったときには一本がテーブルの上を転がり、もう一本はハルヒが空いていた手で空中キャッチしており、そして転がっているクジの先にはシミのような印がついていた。 「なーんだ」とハルヒは幾分か 唇 を尖らせて、「男と女で別れただけじゃん。なんだかつまんない分け方になっちゃったわねえ」 |
Everything would be fine as long as I was grouped together with Koizumi.
“Come on, draw your lot!” Haruhi said as she shoved five toothpicks in my face. “Are you hesitating because you’re not willing to be in a same group with someone? Hohoho. Who’d you like to be with then? You’re so childish!” Haruhi’s smile resembled that of my neighbor, who in turn resembled a certain man-eating female ghost who lived in the attic. Thinking back about it, according to Asahina-san (Michiru), I would be grouped together with Koizumi. That means that I would have to pick a marked toothpick, and the probability of doing so was 2 out of 5. According to the basic principles of probability, there was a higher chance of me picking an unmarked toothpick than a marked one. What if the principles of probability overrode Asahina-san’s memory? If I indeed picked an unmarked toothpick, what could I do to tie up the present to Asahina-san’s future? Oh well, there was probably nothing I could do about it. Faced with a silent, thinking, unmoving me, Haruhi passed the toothpicks to the other three brigade members. After the others had made their picks, I was left with the final 2 toothpicks. I nervously glanced at the toothpick in Koizumi’s hand. In his hand, Koizumi elegantly grasped a marked toothpick. Now only Haruhi and I have yet to draw lots. Since Haruhi had a habit of picking the last lot, it would mean that it was my turn to draw a lot. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I reached for Haruhi’s fist and concentrated for about ten seconds. “That’s a bit over the top, no?” Haruhi said with a bewildered expression on her face. That’s what it may seem to you, but to me, it was more like sacred ritual. If everything didn't go as Asahina-san had said, I would be in trouble. “Oh, whatever!” I yelled as my hand flew forward at godlike speed. I can’t remember if it was my left hand or my right, all I remember was that I grabbed a lot based purely on intuition. But apparently that wasn’t a good thing to do, as in my anxiety, I accidentally pulled both toothpicks out of Haruhi’s fist. Watching the two toothpicks fly out of Haruhi’s fist, I initially thought, ‘It’s over.’ Suddenly, one of the toothpicks fell on the table and began spinning horizontally. As I searched frantically for the second toothpick, I gazed up, only to see Haruhi grab it in midair. I cautiously lowered my gaze to the toothpick on the table. There was a small, yet visible, mark on it, like a small speck of dirt. “Oh, come on!” Haruhi said. “An all-guys and all-girls pairing? How boring!” |
しばらくウダウダしてから席を立つ。もちろん払いは俺任せだ。習慣とは恐ろしいもので、押しつけられてもいない伝票を自然に取ってしまう自分が恨めしい。 「キョンくん、いつもすみません。ありがとね」 申しわけなさそうに言ってくれる朝比奈さんだけが心の回復薬だった。古泉も似たようなことを言うのだが、こういう場合、爽快な笑顔で言われてもなぜか嬉しくねえな。 「財布の中身にお困りのようでしたら、いいバイト先を紹介しようか」 俺と肩を並べて喫茶店を出ながら、古泉が囁きかけてきた。 「とても簡単なアルバイトでね、慣れたら単純な作業になります。日当のよさは僕が保証してもいいですよ」 「していらんね」 甘い言葉には常に悪魔の思惑が潜んでいるものだ。うっかり変な書類にサインして、連れて行かれたところが奇妙な研究所の手術台だったりしたら目も当てられない。パートタイム超能力者に改造される恐れがある。俺は無人の灰色空間でハルヒのストレスと戦闘を繰り広げたりはしたくないぞ。 「それは僕がやりますよ。あなたに求めているのは、そのストレスと戦闘しないでもいいような状 況を作り上げることです」 そんなもん、お前がやればいいだろう。 「あなたにしかできそうにないんですよ。少なくとも、今のところは」 俺は普遍性を逸脱した特殊技能なんか持っていないはずだ。 |
That’s too bad. Truth to be told, the morning pairing really wasn’t of much importance to me. If only Koizumi hadn’t picked a marked toothpick, he would very well be grouped together with Asahina-san and Nagato. Since I couldn’t allow this potential two-timing, it was vital that he and I pick a marked toothpick. That’s why I calmed down after knowing I would be grouped together with Koizumi.
After that, all of us stood up and prepared to leave. Needless to say, it was my duty to settle the bill. A habit can be such a dangerous thing. How I loathe myself for picking up the bill so naturally! “I’m sorry you have to do this again, Kyon-kun. Thank you.” Asahina-san’s apology was the only thing that made me feel better. Koizumi also said something to that effect, but when coupled together with such a situation, and a happy smile to boot, how could you expect me to feel appeased? All he said was: “If you ever run out of money, I can always find a part-time job for you.”
As I was about to leave the coffee shop, Koizumi approached me and told me more about this “job”. “It’s an easy job, really. After you get used to it, I’m sure it’ll be a piece of cake for you. The salary is absurdly high too, this I can guarantee you.” Thanks, but no thanks. An image of a devil hiding behind that smiling face suddenly flashed into my mind, as I found myself signing a mysterious guest book and brought into a mysterious research facility. As I was blindfolded, modifications were done to my mind and body, allowing me to temporarily receive esper powers. I’m sorry, Koizumi, but I’ve had enough of sealed spaces. I don’t want to be stuck in another one of those gray worlds again, thank you. “I’m also working on that part-time job. You can work too, if you wish. It’s not something stressful, don’t worry.” I think I’ll leave that kind of work to you. “Only you can do something like that,” I quickly replied, trying to exit this conversation as soon as possible. I wish to remain a normal human without special powers, be it real or manufactured, thank you. |
古泉は唇の先二センチ前で笑うような表情をした。 「その気になったらいつでも言ってください。仕事の内容を教えて差し上げますから。僕としては、すでに教えたような気分になっていたんですがね」 古泉らしからぬ曖昧模糊としたセリフだったが、俺は追及しなかった。聞きたくもないことを言い出す予感があったからである。考えなしに突っ込んで返り討ちに遭ってはしかたがない。時には自重が必要なのだ。だいたい罠にはめるほうが最初は守勢でいるものだしさ。 店の外で俺の支払いを待っていたハルヒが、 「集合は一二時ジャストよ」 右手を長門の、左手を朝比奈さんの腰に回して南国系の花の笑顔。 「それまでに何でもいいわ、不思議なものを見つけてきなさい。昨日まではなかったはずのマンホールとか、知らないうちに増えていた横断歩道の横線とか、目を皿にして歩いていれば一つくらいは見つかるでしょ。いいえ、見つけるつもりで探すわけよ。そうしないと見つかるものも見つからないからね」 お前が等身大人型カイロのように身体にくっつけているその二人は宇宙人と未来人というこの上ない取り合わせなのだが、もう、それはいいか。それに、もし体育祭の借り物競走で不思議なものを持ってこいと言われたら俺は即座にハルヒの手を引いてゴールするだろうが、それももういいな。こんなおかしなバックステージを持つ一団の中に俺がいるという事態が最大の不思議だが、全部ひっくるめて今さら持ち出すことでもない。ハルヒが本能みたいに不思議を追い求めるように、俺は今の日常が続いて欲しいと思っている。もはや間違えようのない、それが真実ってやつさ。
あたしたちは線路のあっち側に行くから、というハルヒに引っ張られるようにして長門と朝比奈さんが踏切を渡るのを見届け、俺はマフラーをまき直した。 「どこか行くあてでもあるか?」 二時間限定のツレに訊いてみる。古泉は固まりそうに寒い空気の中でもあくまで朗らかに、 「あったとしても、あなたの足が僕の心当たりなどに向いてくれそうにはありませんからね。普通に散策を楽しむとしましょうか」 |
“Hmm…” Koizumi said as his lips curled upwards, revealing a smile.
“If you ever change your mind, be sure to give me a call. I can teach you the basics, and even go beyond that, if you wish.” For some reason, Koizumi’s choice of words sounded strange and peculiar today. I had a feeling that he would be mentioning something I didn’t like should I play along with him, and for that one reason alone my gut told me to reject his offer all the way till the end, lest I end up falling into a trap. Sometimes, a man’s just gotta trust his gut.
Haruhi was waiting for me outside the coffee shop. “Meet here at 12.” Nagato was positioned at Haruhi’s right, as Haruhi curled her left arm around Asahina-san’s waist, grinning maniacally. “Listen up. I don’t care what it is, you have to uncover something mysterious today! Maybe you could try the sewers, since we’ve never been there before, or try counting the number of stripes in pedestrian crossings to see if they’ve mysteriously increased! As long as you put your hearts into it, I’m sure you’ll be able to find something interesting! If you do something half-heartedly, you’ll never achieve anything!” You know, you’ve been the target of two aliens and a time traveler now, and yet you’re still in the dark about it… Oh, I give up. Now if I were competing in a scavenger hunt, and the object I was supposed to seek was “something strange”, the first thing that I would drag all the way to the finish line would be Haruhi. Come to think of it, someone normal like me being a member of the mystery-ridden SOS Brigade was perhaps the strangest thing of all. While Haruhi pressured us to look for “mysterious things”, I found myself wishing for nothing more than a normal high school life. Reality is always so paradoxical, it seems. Haruhi dragged Nagato and Asahina-san across the streets and parted ways with us. I tightened my scarf and turned to Koizumi. “So where do mysterious things appear?” We had two hours to search for something mysterious. In this freezing cold weather, Koizumi smiled and said coolly, “Even if I were to tell you where, I’m sure you wouldn’t like it. Nor am I willing to go to such a place. Let’s just take this opportunity to take a stroll and chit-chat a little.” |