Участник:Hellerick/Рашан скрипт фор Инглиш (2017)
The "Russian script" for English is a development of the earlier English cyrillization schemes of 2012 and 2015, but serves a different purpose. It is not intended to become an alternative to the current Latin script of English, instead tries to teach Anglophones the principles of the Russian orthography, and Russophones the pronunciation of English words.
The system is supposed to follow the Russian traditions of the way English words are rendered in Russian texts, while providing necessary information (which normally is lost) by means of diacritics. When read aloud with no regard to the diacritics, texts should sound like a stereotypical Russian accent.
The consonants and stressed vowels normally are represented according to their pronunciation, while the unstressed vowels according to their Latin spelling (A = А, E = Е, I and Y = И, O = О, U = У).
Phonetically long vowels are accented (meal = ми́л)
Some sound/letter correspondences:
- /æ/ = э.
- /dʒ/ = дж.
- /ɛ/ = е (normally), э̀ (word-initial and after vowels)
- /ɜː(r)/ = ёр (normally), ӭ (word-initial and after vowels)
- /θ/ = ҫ.
- /ð/ = ҙ.
- /w/ = ў (normally), в̆ (preceding the cyrillic У).